Rec. ITU-T Y.4205 (02/2019) - Requirements and reference model of IoT-related crowdsourced systems
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 IoT-related crowdsourced systems definition, description and use-cases
     6.1 Working methods
     6.2 Description
     6.3 Use cases
          6.3.1 Adaptive in-door luminance for a smart airport
          6.3.2 Local distributed computer
          6.3.3 Optimization of public transportation for a smart city
7 Requirements of IoT-related crowdsourced systems
     7.1 Openness
          7.1.1 Openness in terms of crowd accessibility
          7.1.2 Openness in terms of hardware and software design
          7.1.3 Openness in terms of data
     7.2 Affordability and availability of system components
     7.3 Anonymity of crowdsourcees
     7.4 Aggregation mechanisms
     7.5 Abstraction mechanisms
     7.6 Incentive mechanisms
8 Reference model of IoT-related crowdsourced systems
9 Additional considerations of IoT-related crowdsourced systems such as privacy and security
Appendix I  Indicative commercial solutions and technologies that  can be used in crowdsourced systems