Rec. ITU-T Y3800 corrigendum 1 (04/2020) Overview on networks supporting quantum key distributionCorrigendum 1
Rec. ITU-T Y.3800 (2019)/Cor.1 (04/2020) iii
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Overview of QKD technologies
     6.1 QKD technologies
     6.2 QKDN and its relation to user networks
     6.3 QKDN design considerations
          6.3.1 Security
          6.3.2 Scalability
          6.3.3 Stability
          6.3.4 Efficiency
          6.3.5 Application-oriented
          6.3.6 Robustness
          6.3.7 Ability of integration
          6.3.8 Interoperability
          6.3.9 Ability of migration
          6.3.10 Manageability
7 Network capabilities to support QKD
     7.1 QKDN capabilities
     7.2 User network capabilities to support QKD
8 Conceptual structures and basic functions
     8.1 Conceptual structures of QKDN and user network
     8.2 Layers of QKDN and user network
          8.2.1 Quantum layer
          8.2.2 Key management layer
          8.2.3 QKDN control layer
          8.2.4 QKDN management layer
          8.2.5 Service layer
          8.2.6 User network management layer
     8.3 Basic functions of QKDN
          8.3.1 Quantum key generation
          8.3.2 Key management
          8.3.3 QKDN control
          8.3.4 QKDN management
9 Security considerations
Appendix I  Variations for forming QKDN and user network
     I.1 Type I variation
     I.2 Type II variation
     I.3 Type III variation
Appendix II  Further clarification on horizontal links in QKDN