Table of Contents

 1     Scope            
 2     References 
 3     Definitions  
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere            
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation  
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms 
 5     Conventions
 6     Introduction
 7     Functional architecture           
        7.1     SDN application layer    
        7.2     SDN control layer           
        7.3     SDN resource layer        
        7.4     Multi-layer management functions           
 8     SDN functional profiles            
 9     Environmental considerations               
10     Security considerations          
Annex A – Multi-layer management functional components details    
        A.1     Application layer management functional component        
        A.2     Control layer management functional component               
        A.3     Resource layer management functional component           
        A.4     Multi-layer management orchestration functional component        
        A.5     External relationship management functional component
Appendix I – Orchestration in SDN    