Table of Contents

 1     Scope  

 2     References 

 3     Definitions 

        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere 

        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation           

 4     Abbreviations and acronyms 

 5     Conventions 

 6     Overview of IMT-2020 network management and orchestration       

        6.1     Motivation  

 7     IMT-2020 network management and orchestration high-level architecture  

 8     IMT-2020 network slice lifecycle management and orchestration plane functional architecture    

 9     IMT-2020 network slice instance management functional architecture  

        9.1     Applications and service plane management functional component 

        9.2     Applications and service plane management support functional component 

        9.3     Control plane management functional component 

        9.4     Control plane management support functional component 

        9.5     Data plane management functional component 

        9.6     Date plane management support functional component 

        9.7     Multi-plane management coordination functional component 

        9.8     External relationship management functional component 

10     Reference points 

       10.1     Reference point Su  

       10.2     Reference point Si

       10.3     Reference point Se  

       10.4     Reference point Ie  

       10.5     Reference point Is 

       10.6     Reference point Ic 

       10.7     Reference point Id  

11     IMT-2020 network slice lifecycle management and orchestration procedure  

12     Security consideration  

Appendix I – Further considerations on management and orchestration for IMT-2020    

        I.1     Clarification of management and orchestration for IMT-2020 
