Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere       
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation           
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions            
 6     Overview of trust-based media services       
        6.1     Risks in media services             
        6.2     Necessity for trust-based media services         
 7     Requirements for trust-based media services            
        7.1     Requirements for trust data collection              
        7.2     Requirements for trust analysis            
        7.3     Requirements for applying trust to trust-based media services
        7.4     Requirements for operating and managing trust-based media services
 8     Architectures for trust-based media services             
        8.1     Trust agent   
        8.2     Trust information and management system   
        8.3     Trust service enabler
 9     Trust analysis and service provisioning for trust-based media services            
        9.1     Trust analysis mechanism for trust-based media services         
        9.2     Service provisioning for trust-based media services     
10     Security considerations      
Appendix I – Use cases of trust-based media services    
        I.1     Trust-based content consumption services      
        I.2     Trust-based content-sharing services 
Appendix II – Calculating a trust index for trust-based content consumption services    
       II.1     The concept of a trust index for trust-based media services      
       II.2     Calculation of trust index         