Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References 
 3     Definitions 
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere           
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation 
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms
 5     Conventions             
 6     Introduction              
        6.1     Motivation      
        6.2     Objectives       
 7     Fine-grained classifications of traffic
        7.1     Fine-grained bandwidth             
        7.2     Fine-grained service duration   
       7.3      Fine-grained traffic classes        
 8     Requirements           
        8.1     High-level requirements             
        8.2     Functional requirements            
 9     Architecture              
        9.1     High level architecture
        9.2     Functional architecture              
        9.3     Reference points           
10     Mechanisms for smart traffic control and resource management             
       10.1     Mechanism based on data cap 
       10.2     Mechanism for heavy service traffic     
       10.3     Mechanism for heavy signalling traffic 
       10.4     Mechanism for heavy user traffic          
       10.5     Mechanism for surge traffic     
       10.6     Mechanism for over-sized traffic           
       10.7     Mechanism for busy-hour traffic           
       10.8     Mechanism based on a list        
11     Security consideration          
Appendix I – Data explosion and QoS degradation    
        I.1     Data explosion caused by a small number of users in fixed and mobile networks     
        I.2     QoS degradation for general users caused by a small number of heavy users             
        I.3     Need for smart network management to protect normal user's QoS
Appendix II – Context information examples for STCRMF