Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References               
 3     Definitions 
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere        
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation            
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions             
 6     Requirements          
 7     Mobile VPN architecture     
        7.1     High level functions    
        7.2     Functional architecture             
        7.3     Reference points         
 8     High-level mobile VPN procedures 
        8.1     VPN service registration/de-registration           
        8.2     QoS provisioning and enforcement for VPN tunnel      
        8.3     Initial network attachment      
        8.4     Handover        
 9     Security considerations        
Appendix I – Use case of mobile VPN based on the IP-based mobility protocol    
        I.1                   Secure tunnel set up     
        I.2                   Mobility              
Appendix II – Use case of mobile VPN based on MOBIKE    
       II.1     VPN service registration/de-registration procedure     
       II.2     VPN tunnel QoS provisioning  
       II.3     Initial attachment procedure   
       II.4     Handover procedure  