Table of Contents

 1     Scope        
 2     References             
 3     Abbreviations and acronyms           
 4     Layered model of performance for IP service           
 5     Generic IP service performance model        
        5.1     Network components
        5.2     Exchange links and network sections  
        5.3     Measurement points and measurable sections            
        5.4     IP packet transfer reference events (IPREs)    
        5.5     IP packet transfer outcomes  
 6     IP packet transfer performance parameters
        6.1     Packet qualifications 
        6.2     IP packet transfer delay (IPTD)           
        6.3     IP packet error ratio (IPER)    
        6.4     IP packet loss ratio (IPLR)      
        6.5     Spurious IP packet rate          
        6.6     IP packet reordered ratio (IPRR)         
        6.7     IP packet severe loss block ratio (IPSLBR)        
        6.8     IP packet duplicate ratio (IPDR)          
        6.9     Replicated IP packet ratio (RIPR)        
       6.10     Stream repair parameters    
       6.11     Capacity parameters            
       6.12     Flow-related parameters      
 7     IP service availability          
        7.1     IP service availability function            
        7.2     IP service availability parameters      
Appendix I – IP packet routing considerations    
Appendix II – Secondary terminology for IP packet delay variation    
       II.1     Introduction  
       II.2     Definition of inter-packet delay variation         
       II.3     Definition of 1-point packet delay variation     
       II.4     Guidance on applying the different parameters            
Appendix III – Rate and throughput capacity related parameters    
      III.1     Definition of IP packet rate parameters           
      III.2     References for throughput parameters and measurements      
      III.3     Open issues   
Appendix IV – Minimal test of IP service availability state and sampling estimation of IP service availability parameters    
       IV.1     Minimal test of IP service availability state (for test methodologies and test sets)         
       IV.2     Sampling estimation of IP service availability 
Appendix V – Material relevant to IP performance measurement methods    
Appendix VI – Background on IP service availability    
       VI.1     Introduction 
       VI.2     Background 
       VI.3     Definitions of the regions in Figure VI.1          
       VI.4     Summary     
Appendix VII – Packet performance parameters for estimation  and optimization of stream repair techniques    
      VII.1     Introduction 
      VII.2     Short description of application-layer stream repair techniques           
      VII.3     Simple model of application-layer stream repair techniques   
      VII.4     Example of performance parameters to characterize stream repair variables 
      VII.5     Discussion of parameter measurement and usage      
      VII.6     Additional considerations      
Appendix VIII – IP-layer capacity framework    
     VIII.1     Introduction 
     VIII.2     Terminology and relation to IETF RFC 5136    
     VIII.3     Items for further study          