1     Scope 
 2     Normative references       
        2.1     Identical CCITT Recommendations | International Standards          
        2.2     Paired CCITT Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content   
 3     Definitions  
        3.1     Event report management function definitions          
        3.2     Management information model definitions  
 4     Abbreviations   
 5     Notation    
 6     Definition of managed object classes        
        6.1     Alarm record         
        6.2     Attribute value change record         
        6.3     Discriminator         
        6.4     Event forwarding discriminator       
        6.5     Event log record    
        6.6     Log  
        6.7     Log record
        6.8     Object creation record       
        6.9     Object deletion record       
       6.10     Relationship change record           
       6.11     Security alarm report record         
       6.12     State change record          
       6.13     System  
       6.14     Top
 7     Name binding for managed object classes
        7.1     Discriminator         
        7.2     Log  
        7.3     Log record
 8     Definition of packages      
        8.1     Additional information        
        8.2     Additional text       
        8.3     Attribute identifier list         
        8.4     Attribute list           
        8.5     Availability status   
        8.6     Correlated notifications      
        8.7     Notification identifier          
        8.8     Daily scheduling     
        8.9     Duration 
       8.10     External scheduler 
       8.11     Source indicator   
       8.12     Weekly scheduling
 9     Definition of generic attribute types           
        9.1     Counter  
        9.2     Gauge    
        9.3     Threshold  
                  9.3.1     Counter-threshold 
                  9.3.2     Gauge-threshold   
        9.4     Tide-mark 
10     Definition of specific attribute types         
       10.1     Attributes types used for naming    
                  10.1.1     Discriminator Id  
                  10.1.2     Log Id    
                  10.1.3     Log record Id     
                  10.1.4     System Id           
                  10.1.5     System title         
       10.2     Counter 
       10.3     Counter-threshold 
       10.4     Gauge   
       10.5     Gauge-threshold   
       10.6     Tide-mark
       10.7     Miscellaneous attribute types         
                  10.7.1     Events related     
                  10.7.2     States related      
                  10.7.3     Relationships related       
                  10.7.4     Other attribute types       
11 Definition of action types    
12 Definition of parameters    
13     Definition of notification types      
       13.1     Attribute value change       
       13.2     Communications alarm      
       13.3     Environmental alarm          
       13.4     Equipment alarm   
       13.5     Integrity violation  
       13.6     Object creation     
       13.7     Object deletion     
       13.8     Operational violation         
       13.9     Physical violation  
      13.10     Processing error alarm     
      13.11     Quality of service alarm    
      13.12     Relationship change         
      13.13     Security service or mechanism violation    
      13.14     State change        
      13.15     Time domain violation      
14     Supporting productions   
       14.1     Managed object class       
       14.2     Attribute types      
       14.3     Notification types  
       14.4     Parameter types    
15     Conformance and compliance     
       15.1     Conformance        
       15.2     Compliance          
Annex A  Counters and counter threshold attribute    
        A.1     Counter 
                  A.1.1     Corrupted PDUs received counter           
                  A.1.2     Incoming connection reject error counter  
                  A.1.3     Incoming connection requests counter       
                  A.1.4     Incoming disconnect counter        
                  A.1.5     Incoming disconnect error counter
                  A.1.6     Incoming protocol error counter   
                  A.1.7     Octets received counter   
                  A.1.8     Octets retransmitted error counter
                  A.1.9     Octets sent counter          
                  A.1.10     Outgoing connection reject error counter
                  A.1.11     Outgoing connection requests counter     
                  A.1.12     Outgoing disconnect counter      
                  A.1.13     Outgoing disconnect error counter          
                  A.1.14     Outgoing protocol error counter 
                  A.1.15     PDUs received counter  
                  A.1.16     PDUs retransmitted error counter           
                  A.1.17     PDUs sent counter         
        A.2     Counter-threshold 
                  A.2.1     Corrupted PDUs received threshold         
                  A.2.2     Incoming connection reject error threshold
                  A.2.3     Incoming connection requests threshold    
                  A.2.4     Incoming disconnect error threshold         
                  A.2.5     Incoming protocol error threshold 
                  A.2.6     Octets received threshold 
                  A.2.7     Octets retransmitted threshold      
                  A.2.8     Octets sent threshold        
                  A.2.9     Outgoing connection reject error threshold
                  A.2.10     Outgoing connection requests threshold  
                  A.2.11     Outgoing disconnect error threshold       
                  A.2.12     Outgoing protocol error threshold           
                  A.2.13     PDUs received threshold
                  A.2.14     PDUs retransmitted error threshold        
                  A.2.15     PDUs sent threshold      
Annex B  Index of managed object classes    
Annex C  Index of packages    
Annex D  Index of generic and specific attribute types    
Annex E  Index of notification types    
Annex F  Management information used by Systems management function    
        F.1     Object management function (CCITT Rec. X.730 | ISO/IEC 10164-1)     
        F.2     State management function (CCITT Rec. X.731 | ISO/IEC 10164-2)        
        F.3     Relationship management function (CCITT Rec. X.732 | ISO/IEC 10164-3)          
        F.4     Alarm reporting function (CCITT Rec. X.733 | ISO/IEC 10164-4)
        F.5     Event report management function (CCITT Rec. X.734 | ISO/IEC 10164-5)         
        F.6     Log control function (CCITT Rec. X.735 | ISO/IEC 10164-6)      
        F.7     Security alarm reporting function (CCITT Rec. X.736 | ISO/IEC 10164-7)
Annex G  Syntax imported from Directory, ACSE and CMIP