1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Terms and definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     General aspects
        6.1     CSPDN
        6.2     ISDN
        6.3     Call control between the CSPDN and ISDN
        6.4     Functionalities of the CSPDN and ISDN
 7     Specific interworking arrangements
        7.1     Interworking between CSPDN and ISDN where a packet switched bearer is requested
                  7.1.1     Transfer of addressing information
                  7.1.2     Arrangements for facilities related to the QOS of the call
                  7.1.3     Arrangements for facilities related to charging conditions applying to the call
                  7.1.4     Arrangements for facilities related to specific routing conditions requested by the user
                  7.1.5     Arrangements for facilities related to protection mechanisms requested by the user of a call
                  7.1.6     Arrangements for facilities to convey user data in addition to the normal data flow in the data transfer phase
                  7.1.7     Arrangements for other facilities
                  7.1.8     Arrangements for internal network utilities (not visible for users)
        7.2     Interworking between a CSPDN and ISDN where a circuit switched bearer is requested
                  7.2.1     Transfer of addressing information
                  7.2.2     Arrangements related to QOS of the call
                  7.2.3     Arrangements for facilities related to the charging condition requested by the user of the call
                  7.2.4     Arrangements for facilities related to specific routing conditions requested by the user of the call
                  7.2.5     Arrangements for facilities related to protection mechanisms requested by the user of the call
                  7.2.6     Arrangements for facilities to convey user data in addition to the normal data flow in the data transfer phase
                  7.2.7     Arrangements for other facilities
                  7.2.8     Arrangements for internal network
        7.3     Interworking between CSPDN and ISDN where a frame-relaying bearer is requested
                  7.3.1     Transfer of addressing information
                  7.3.2     Arrangements for facilities related to the QOS of the call
                  7.3.3     Arrangements for facilities related to charging conditions applying to the call
                  7.3.4     Arrangements for facilities related to specific routing conditions requested by the user
                  7.3.5     Arrangements for facilities related to protection mechanisms requested by the user of a call
                  7.3.6     Arrangements for facilities to convey user data in addition to the normal data flow in the data transfer phase
                  7.3.7     Arrangements for other facilities
                  7.3.8     Arrangements for internal network utilities (not visible for users)