1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Term and definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     General service aspects
 7     Reference configurations
        7.1     Configuration when accessing PSPDN services (Case A)
        7.2     Configuration for the ISDN virtual circuit service (Case B)
 8     Service aspects
        8.1     Access to PSPDN services (Case A)
                  8.1.1     Service characteristics
                  8.1.2     User access capabilities
                  8.1.3     Basic rules
                  8.1.4     Notification classes
        8.2     Access to the ISDN virtual circuit service (Case B)
                  8.2.1     Service characteristics
                  8.2.2     User access capabilities
                  8.2.3     Notification classes for X.25 incoming calls
        8.3     Compatibility checking
 9     Addressing and routing aspects
        9.1     Terminal interface selection
                  9.1.1     Terminal interface selection by means of MSN/DDI
                  9.1.2     Terminal interface selection by means of ISDN subaddressing
        9.2     Access to PSPDN services (Case A)
                  9.2.1     Channel type selection
                  9.2.2     Addressing scheme for outgoing calls
        9.3     Access to the ISDN virtual circuit service (Case B)
                  9.3.1     Channel type selection
                  9.3.2     Addressing scheme for outgoing calls
10     Interworking with dedicated networks
       10.1     Circuit-mode access to PSPDN services (Case A)
       10.2     Access to PSPDNs via virtual circuit service (Case B)
11     Packet communications at the S/T-reference point
       11.1     Outgoing access
                 11.1.1     Circuit-switched access to PSPDN services (Case A)
                 11.1.2     Access to the ISDN virtual circuit service (Case B)
       11.2     Incoming access
                 11.2.1     Access from PSPDN services (Case A)
                 11.2.2     Access from the ISDN virtual circuit service (Case B)
       11.3     X.25 Virtual call establishment and release
                 11.3.1     Link layer establishment and release
                 11.3.2     Packet layer virtual call set-up and release
       11.4     Call clearing
                 11.4.1     B-Channel
                 11.4.2     D-Channel
                 11.4.3     Additional error handling information
                 11.4.4     Cause mappings
       11.5     Access collision
12     Terminal adaptor functionalities
       12.1     General
       12.2     Physical interfaces
       12.3     Access through the B-channel
                 12.3.1     General   
                 12.3.2     Rate adaption
                 12.3.3     Signalling
                 12.3.4     Synchronization
       12.4     Access through the D-channel
                 12.4.1     General   
                 12.4.2     LAPB-LAPD mapping
                 12.4.3     Signalling
       12.5     Access through the B- and D-channels
                 12.5.1     General   
                 12.5.2     X.25 outgoing call
                 12.5.3     X.25 Incoming call
       12.6     Access through the semi-permanent H-channel
                 12.6.1     General   
                 12.6.2     Rate adaption
                 12.6.3     Signalling
       12.7     Test loops
                 12.7.1     Test loops for TA with access through the B-channel
                 12.7.2     Test loops for TA with access through the D-channel
Appendix  I – B-channel TA acting on layers 2 and 3 of X.25
        I.1     Introduction
        I.2     Call control
                  I.2.1     Idle phase
                  I.2.2     Establishment phase
                  I.2.3     Data transfer phase
                  I.2.4     Clearing phase
Appendix  II – Interconnection of packet mode TE2s which use the circuit-mode bearer service of the ISDN
Appendix  III – Example message flow diagrams and example conditions for cause mapping
      III.1     Example message flow diagrams
                III.1.1     Key to the figures
                III.1.2     Example message flow diagrams
      III.2     Example conditions for cause mapping
Appendix  IV – D-channel TAs requiring full protocol termination in the TA
       IV.1     Introduction
       IV.2     Call control
                 IV.2.1     Idle phase
                 IV.2.2     Establishment phase
                 IV.2.3     Data transfer phase
                 IV.2.4     Clearing phase