Recommendation ITU-T X.1770 (10/2021) Technical guidelines for secure multi-party computation
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Overview
     6.1 Introduction of MPC
     6.2 Principles of MPC
     6.3 Types of MPC party
7 Technical framework of MPC
     7.1 Roles in an MPC system
     7.2 Technical framework of an MPC system
          7.2.1 Application
          7.2.2 Coordination function
          7.2.3 MPC function
          7.2.4 MPC protocol
          7.2.5 Storage
     7.3 Process flows of an MPC task
     7.4 Recommended protections for an MPC system
          7.4.1 Authentication
          7.4.2 Access control
          7.4.3 Data security
8 Security levels of an MPC protocol
     8.1 Security model
          8.1.1 A1: Semi-honest model
          8.1.2 A2: Covert model
          8.1.3 A3: Malicious model
     8.2 Security threshold
          8.2.1 C1: Honest majority
          8.2.2 C2: Dishonest majority
9 Applications of MPC
     9.1 Joint modelling
     9.2 Data matching