Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere       
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation           
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions            
 6     Prerequisites           
 7     Authentication models        
        7.1     Overview       
        7.2     Model 1          
        7.3     Model 2          
        7.4     Model 3          
        7.5     Model 4          
        7.6     Model 5          
        7.7     Model 6          
        7.8     Model 7          
        7.9     Model 8          
       7.10     Model 9         
       7.11     Model 10      
       7.12     Model 11      
       7.13     Model 12      
 8     Vulnerabilities of telebiometrics mobile devices       
        8.1     Insufficient application programming interface management 
        8.2     Insecure wireless channels     
 9     Security threats for each model       
Appendix I – Use cases    
        I.1     Micro secure digital (SD)-based approach match on card using applet  
Appendix II – Mobile storage study for biometrics    
       II.1     Off-card comparison  
       II.2     On-card comparison (sensor-off-card)
       II.3     Work-sharing on-card comparison       
       II.4     System-on-card comparison   
Appendix III – Use case study for mobile payment services    
      III.1     Type A Pay payment procedure            
      III.2     Type B Pay payment procedure            
      III.3     Type B Pay's built-in security  