1     Introduction
 2     Basic interworking service
        2.1     General
        2.2     Access methods for interworking
 3     Telex-to-Videotex direction
        3.1     One-stage selection
        3.2     Two-stage selection
 4     Interworking in the Videotex-to-telex direction
        4.1     Delivery procedure to telex from a one-stage Telex/Videotex Conversion Facility (VTXCF)
        4.2     Delivery procedure to telex from a two stage Telex/Videotex conversion facility (VTXCF)
        4.3     Notifications to the Videotex user
Annex  A  –  Reactions to abnormal conditions during text input from telex
        A.1     The telex subscriber pauses during input of address information (applicable for two-stage access only)
        A.2     The telex subscriber pauses during or before input of his message
        A.3     The telex subscriber sends a WRU signal to the VTXCF during text input
        A.4     The telex subscriber sends text after an End Of Transaction (EOT) signal (applicable for two-stage access only)
        A.5     The telex subscriber clears after an End Of Transaction (EOT) signal before he receives the  Input Message  Acknowledgement (IMA) signal (applicable for two-stage access only)
        A.6     The telex subscriber sends combinations 6, 7 or 8 in figure case
        A.7     The telex subscriber sends combination 10 in figure case (“BELL”)
        A.8     Storage capacity overflow in the VTXCF