1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Abbreviations
Annex A – Procedures for secure Group 3 document facsimile transmission  using the HKM and HFX system
        A.1     Introduction
        A.2     Outline of the secure facsimile document procedure
Annex B – Security in facsimile G3 based on the RSA algorithm
        B.1     Preamble
        B.2     Introduction
        B.3     References
        B.4     Technical description
Annex C – Procedures for the use of the HKM key management system for secure document facsimile transmission
        C.1     Scope
        C.2     Conventions
                  C.2.1     General
                  C.2.2     Symbols
        C.3     Description of the HKM algorithm for use with facsimile terminals
        C.4     Registration mode
                  C.4.1     Procedure for the registration between entities X and Y (procREGxy)
                  C.4.2     Procedure for the registration between entities Y and X (procREGyx)
                  C.4.3     Procedure for registration in a single call
                  C.4.4     Authentication of registration
        C.5     Secure mode 
                  C.5.1     Procedure for the secure transmission of SK from X to Y (procSTKxy)
                  C.5.2     Use of procSTKxy and procSTKyx in secure mode
                  C.5.3     Mutual authentication of X and Y
                  C.5.4     Secre session key establishment between X and Y
                  C.5.5     Confirmation of receipt
                  C.5.6     Confirmation or denial of integrity
        C.6     The HKM algorithm
                  C.6.1     Introduction
                  C.6.2     Stored information
                  C.6.3     Securely stored information
                  C.6.4     Registration mode
                               C.6.4.1     procREGxy using algebraic notation
                               C.6.4.2     Calculations at X to derive MPx
                               C.6.4.3     Calculations at X to derive TKx
                               C.6.4.4     Calculations at Y to recover MPx by decrypting TKx
                               C.6.4.5     Calculations at Y to derive RCNy
                  C.6.5     Secure mode
                               C.6.5.1     procSTKxy using algebraic notation
                               C.6.5.2     Calculations at X to re-create MPx
                               C.6.5.3     Calculations at X to form ESSKx using HKMD+1
                               C.6.5.4     Calculations at Y to recover SKx
                  C.6.6     The use of the HKM algorithm in secure mode
Annex D – Procedures for the use of the HFX40 carrier cipher to provide message confidentiality for secure document facsimile transmission
        D.1     Scope
        D.2     Description of the HFX40 algorithm for use with facsimile terminals in secure mode
        D.3     Example calculations for the HFX40 algorithm
                  D.3.1     Introduction
                  D.3.2     Stored information
                  D.3.3     Selection of the primes
                  D.3.4     Calculations using HFX40 to generate 3 PRSs
                  D.3.5     Use of the tables to encrypt the message and of the multiplexer to modify the tables.
Annex E – Procedures for the use of the HFX40-I hashing system to provide message integrity for secure document facsimile transmission
        E.1     Scope
        E.2     Use of the HFX40-I hashing system
        E.3     The HFX40-I hashing system for use with facsimile terminals
                  E.3.1     Introduction
                  E.3.2     Stored information
                  E.3.3     Re-ordering of the system modulating prime numbers
                  E.3.4     Calculation of the primitives to be used with HFX40-I
                  E.3.5     Calculation of PH
                  E.3.6     First encryption (scrambling) of PH to form SH
                  E.3.7     Encryption of SH to form ESH
        E.4     Use of the HKM Algorithm to produce a PseudoRandom Sequence
                  E.4.1     Introduction
                               E.4.1.1     Calculations using HKM to generate a PRS