ITU-T Q Suppl. 76 (10/2023) - Common approaches and interfaces for data exchange between the central equipment identity register and the equipment identity register
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Supplement
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Common approaches
7 Description of synchronous API-based interface
     7.1 Synchronous API-based query interface
     7.2 Synchronous API-based broadcast message interface
8 Description of asynchronous API-based interface
     8.1 Asynchronous API-based query interface
     8.2 Asynchronous API-based broadcast message interface
9 Description of file-based interface
     9.1 Changing exchange parameters during operation
     9.2 Security, reliability and integrity
     9.3 The interface usage area
Appendix I – Sample description of file-based implementation
     I.1 File format
     I.2 Data format
     I.3 Example of the contents of one file-based replication
Appendix II – Example of synchronous API based interface
     II.1 Defined simple types
     II.2 Defined complex types
     II.3 LUStatusReq message
     II.4 LUStatusRespmMessage
     II.5 Broadcast message
     II.6 Broadcast response message
     II.7 Synchronization request
     II.8 Synchronization response
Appendix III  Examples of the current industry approach
     III.1 Republic of Uzbekistan
     III.2 Republic of Tunisia
     III.3 Republic of India