1     Scope
 2     Cause
        2.1     Format
        2.2     Codes used in the sub-field of the "Cause"
                  2.2.1     Extension indicator (ext.)
                  2.2.2     Coding standard
                  2.2.3     Location
                  2.2.4     Recommendation
                  2.2.5     Cause value (only applicable in the context of Recommendations Q.763 and Q.931)
                  2.2.6     Diagnostics (only applicable in the context of Recommendations Q.763 and Q.931).
                  2.2.7     Cause definitions
 3     General rules for the handling of the location field
 4     Handling of cause and location at the international interface
 5     Procedures for the handling of location values reserved for national use (national option)