1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Terms and definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Characteristics of digital interfaces for subscriber access
        5.1     General
        5.2     Interface V1
                  5.2.1     General    
                  5.2.2     Functional characteristics
                  5.2.3     Electrical characteristics
                  5.2.4     Channel types, channel allocation and signalling
        5.3     Interface V2
                  5.3.1     General    
                  5.3.2     Functional characteristics
                  5.3.3     Electrical characteristics
                  5.3.4     Channel types, channel allocation and signalling
        5.4     Interface V3
                  5.4.1     General    
                  5.4.2     Functional characteristics
                  5.4.3     Electrical characteristics
                  5.4.4     Channel types, channel allocation and signalling
        5.5     Interface V4
        5.6     Interface V5
                  5.6.1     General    
                  5.6.2     Functional characteristics
                  5.6.3     Electrical characteristics
                  5.6.4     Channel types, channel allocation and signalling
 6     Characteristics of analogue interfaces for subscriber access
        6.1     Interface Z
Appendix I  –  Bibliography