Recommendation ITU-T Q.5007 (12/2023) Signalling architecture for microservices based intelligent edge computing
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Overview
     6.1 Microservices based IEC framework
     6.2 Orchestration management framework
7 Signalling architecture
     7.1 Signalling architecture with orchestration management
     7.2 Signalling architecture with intelligent service
     7.3 RESTful intelligent edge service
8 Protocol interfaces
     8.1 Normative interfaces
          8.1.1 Interface Cx
          8.1.2 Interface Dx
          8.1.3 Interface Ux
     8.2 Orchestration interfaces
          8.2.1 Interface Ox
9 Protocol procedures
     9.1 Signalling protocol procedures for orchestration functions
          9.1.1 Procedure for orchestration microservices with raw-data filtering service
     9.2 Signalling protocol procedures for intelligent data processing
          9.2.1 Procedures for data lifetime from collecting to forwarding data target entity
          9.2.2 Procedures for control TE
          9.2.3 Procedures for edge analytic model update
10 Security considerations
Appendix I  Related works of microservices based edge computing
     I.1 EdgeX
     I.2 ETSI MEC
Appendix II  Use cases of microservices based edge computing
     II.1 Infotainment services
          II.1.1 Immersive multimedia service delivery in a high-speed scenario
          II.1.2 Analysis and distribution of operation and management data in a high-speed scenario
          II.1.3 Infotainment and autonomous driving service in vehicle-to-everything (V2X)
     II.2 Factory services
          II.2.1 General reinforcement learning based device (sorter, stacker, etc.) control service on smart factory scenarios
     II.3 Education services
          II.3.1 Recommendation and scoring system for online judge on smart education scenario
          II.3.2 Blockchain scenario for online judge
     II.4 Convergence services
          II.4.1 Convergence intelligence edge service scenario by cross-domain workflow framework