1     Scope        
 2     References             
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere      
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation          
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms           
 5     Conventions           
 6     Rd interface           
        6.1     Overview     
        6.2     Functional elements and capabilities 
        6.3     Rd interface protocol
 7     Procedures             
        7.1     Initial reservation for a session           
        7.2     Session modification 
        7.3     Session termination  
        7.4     PD-PE notifications   
 8     Protocol specifications        
 9     Messages specifications     
        9.1     Commands   
        9.2     Experimental-Result-Code AVP values             
        9.3     Attribute-Value Pairs (AVPs)  
10     Security considerations