1     Scope        
 2     References             
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere      
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms           
 5     Ru interface           
        5.1     Overview     
        5.2     Reference point        
        5.3     Physical entities        
 6     Signalling requirements     
        6.1     Transport resource information         
        6.2     Transport resource information indication      
        6.3     Transport resource release notification          
 7     Procedure descriptions       
        7.1     General        
        7.2     Procedures on the Ru interface          
 8     Selection and the use of the protocol           
        8.1     Security        
        8.2     Accounting   
        8.3     Sessions        
        8.4     Transport protocol    
        8.5     Routing considerations          
        8.6     Application advertisement     
 9     Ru protocol specification    
        9.1     Commands   
        9.2     Result-Code AVP values         
        9.3     AVPs
        9.4     Use of namespaces   
10     Security considerations      