1     Scope
 2     References
        2.1     Normative references
        2.2     Bibliography
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     General description of the Signalling Transport Converter on MTP3 and MTP3b
        5.1     Structure of the Signalling Transport Converter on MTP
        5.2     Services provided by the STC
        5.3     Functions of the STC
 6     Elements for layer-to-layer communication
        6.1     The Generic Signalling Transport Service
        6.2     The Service provided by MTP
                  6.2.1     Primitive definition
                  6.2.2     Parameter definition
                  6.2.3     Restart
        6.3     Primitives between the STC and layer management
                  6.3.1     Primitive definition
                  6.3.2     Parameters
        6.4     State transition diagram for sequences of primitives at the layer boundaries  of the STC
 7     Protocol elements for peer-to-peer communication
        7.1     STC PDUs
                  7.1.1     STC PDU formats
                  7.1.2     STC Signalling Message PDU fields
        7.2     STC state variable
        7.3     STC timers
        7.4     Provisioned STC parameters
 8     Specification of the STC
        8.1     Overview
                  8.1.1     State 1: Service Unavailable
                  8.1.2     State 2: STC Service Available
                  8.1.3     State 3: Congestion 1
                  8.1.4     State 4: Congestion 2
        8.2     Procedures of the STC
                  8.2.1     Initial Conditions
                  8.2.2     STC signalling message transfer procedure
                  8.2.3     Destination availability procedure
                  8.2.4     Congestion Indication procedure
                  8.2.5     User Part availability
        8.3     State Transition Table
        8.4     SDL diagrams
Appendix I -Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma