ITU-T Rec. Q.1238.4 (06/2000) Interface Recommendation for intelligent network capability set 3: SCF-SDF interface Summary Source Keywords FOREWORD CONTENTS Interface Recommendation for intelligent network capability set 3: SCF-SDF interface 1 Scope 2 References 3 Abbreviations and acronyms 4 Introduction 4.1 SCF-SDF relationship 4.2 Introduction to the reuse of X.500 for SDF Interfaces 4.3 Versions and the rules for extensibility 5 Service Control Function (SCF) Model 6 Service Data Function (SDF) Model 6.1 General 6.2 SDF components 6.3 Data types handled by SDF 7 FSM for SCF 7.1 Overview 7.2 SCME-FSM 7.3 SDF Related states (SCSM-SDF) 8 FSM for SDF 8.1 Overview 8.2 SDME-FSM 8.3 SDF state transition model for SCF related states 9 Detailed Operation Procedure 9.1 Execute procedure 9.2 IN-AddEntry procedure 9.3 IN-DirectoryBind procedure 9.4 IN-ModifyEntry procedure 9.5 IN-RemoveEntry procedure 9.6 IN-Search procedure 9.7 IN-Unbind procedure 9.8 TFCBind procedure 9.9 TrafficFlowControl procedure 10 Parameters 10.1 BaseObject 10.2 Changes 10.3 CheckOverspecified 10.4 CommonResults 10.5 ControlType 10.6 Credentials 10.7 Duration 10.8 Entry 10.9 Filter 10.10 IN-CommonArguments 10.11 Information 10.12 Input-assertions 10.13 MatchedValuesOnly 10.14 Method-id 10.15 Null 10.16 Object 10.17 Output-assertions 10.18 SearchAliases 10.19 SearchInfo 10.20 Security 10.21 Selection 10.22 Specific-input 10.23 Specific-output 10.24 Subset 10.25 TargetSystem 10.26 TfcCriteria 10.27 UncorrelatedSearchInfo 10.28 Versions 10.29 WasChained 11 Errors 11.1 Operation related error procedures 12 ASN.1 Definitions 13 Service assumed from TCAP 13.1 Normal Procedures 13.2 Abnormal Procedures 13.3 Dialogue Handling 13.4 Component Handling