Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 4     Background               
 5     General description               
        5.1     General requirements: Overview of satellite-based telecommunications services         
        5.2     Low-power modes      
 6     Methodological framework
        6.1     General requirements               
        6.2     Goal and scope definition        
        6.3     Cut-offs           
        6.4     Data collection and quality       
 7     Life cycle stages      
        7.1     Raw material acquisition stage               
        7.2     Production stage          
        7.3     Use stage        
        7.4     End-of-life treatment stage    
 8     Life cycle inventory
        8.1     Key input parameters
        8.2     Estimating the number of terminals in operation           
        8.3     Delivery vehicles and their emissions trend     
        8.4     On grid electricity and emissions trends             
        8.5     Satellite launch vehicle and payload    
        8.6     Satellite gateway (ground segment) life cycle parameters        
        8.7     Life cycle parameters for the intelligent network gateway        
        8.8     Life cycle parameters for the user modem       
        8.9     Life cycle parameters for the intelligent user gateway
 9     Life cycle impact assessment             
        9.1     Description of the model          
10     Life cycle interpretation     
       10.1     Results of the life cycle impact assessment for a hybrid satellite system            
       10.2     Sensitivity analysis of major assumptions        
       10.3     Discussion      
       10.4     Compliance with [ITU-T L.1410]            
       10.5     Review            
Appendix I – Compliance with [ITU-T L.1410]    