Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 4     Resilience in telecommunications networks               
 5     Examples of resilience in fixed and mobile telecommunications infrastructure           
 6     Examples of climate change adaptation options and strategies          
 7     Repair of ICT infrastructure for service restoration  
 8     Examples of disaster relief systems
        8.1     Early warning systems
        8.2     Recovery of the emergency network 
        8.3     Backup of electric power supply            
 9     Additional requirements to maintain essential services carried via the Internet         
10     Electric power grid outages               
       10.1     Example from Italy: The national blackout 2003 and its consequences for the future    
11     Example: Malaysia flood challenges, recovery and mitigation best practices               
12     Example of resilient communications infrastructure: Telefónica Vivo sustainable mobile site in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)    
Appendix I – Example of a future hybrid satellite/terrestrial system    