Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere       
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions            
 6     Impacts of climate change on the fisheries sector    
       6.1      Ecosystem impacts    
       6.2      Impacts on livelihoods              
        6.3     Economic impact on people   
 7     Climate change adaptation measures for the fisheries sector              
 8     The eco-system of the fisheries sector to be involved in adaptation 
 9     Trends in ICTs which are relevant to the fisheries sector       
10     ICT components which are relevant to the fisheries sector 
11     How can ICTs help sustain the fisheries sector in the events of climate change          
       11.1     ICT to monitor site condition
       11.2     ICTs to promote knowledge sharing and improve management            
       11.3     ICTs to predict weather and types of fish-catches       
       11.4     ICTs for forecasting  
       11.5     ICTs for leveraging market realities    
       11.6     ICTs for emergency/alert systems     
       11.7     ICTs for maritime boundaries
       11.8     ICTs for efficient decision-making (example from Lake Victoria)            
       11.9     Technology for high-accuracy fuel efficiency estimation           
Appendix I – SayadTec application to adapt to climate change effects in the fisheries sector    
       I.1      Introduction  
       I.2      SayadTec system description  
       I.3      SayadTec system modules       
       I.4      Technologies and tools              
       I.5      Future SayadTec developments            
Appendix II – Fisher friend mobile application (FFMA) A mobile application using ICTs to adapt to climate change effects in the fisheries sector    
       II.1     Introduction  
      II.2      FFMA system description         
      II.3      FFMA system features
      II.4      Impact of FFMA summary        
      II.5      Awards            
Appendix III – mKRISHI fisheries   A mobile application using ICTs to adapt to climate change effects in the fisheries sector    
     III.1      Introduction to the mKRISHI Fisheries application          
     III.2      mKRISHI system description   
     III.3      Impact of the mKRISHI application        
Appendix IV – Localized weather alert service for fishing villages on Lake Victoria    
Appendix V – Analysis of ship-related big data to estimate fuel efficiency, speed and other performance factors    
        V.1     Introduction 
        V.2     Background  
       V.3      Issues             
       V.4      About the new technology     
       V.5      Results           
       V.6      Future plans 