Rec. ITU-T K.64 (06/2020) Safe working practices for outside equipment installed in particular environments
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Telecommunication particular workplaces
7 Voltage levels on TLC installations
8 Work practices on TLC plants in particular environments
     8.1 Switching off the power supply
     8.2 Practices to be used when working on live telecommunication circuits
9 Work on telecommunication installations at risk of electric shock
     9.1 Work on equipment or devices (terminal box, etc.)
     9.2 Work on cables
Appendix I  Rationale of safe voltage limit values for workplace at major risk of electric shock
     I.1 Operating cases
     I.2 Calculation assumption
     I.3 Limit current calculation
     I.4 Voltage limit calculation
Appendix II  Cross reference table of IEC 60950 and IEC 62368 terms