
Recommendation ITU-T J.343.4 provides Hybrid-reduced reference (Hybrid-RR) objective perceptual video quality measurement methods for HDTV and multimedia when a reduced reference signal and non‑encrypted bitstream data are available. The following list shows example applications that can use this Recommendation:

                     potentially real-time, in-service quality monitoring at the head-end;

                     video television streams over cable/IPTV networks including those transmitted over the Internet using Internet protocol;

                     video quality monitoring at the receiver when a reduced reference signal and non-encrypted bitstream data are available;

                     video quality monitoring at measurement nodes located between point of transmission and point of reception when a reduced reference signal and non-encrypted bitstream data are available;

                     quality measurement for monitoring of a transmission system that utilizes video compression and decompression techniques, either a single pass or a concatenation of such techniques;

                     lab testing of video transmission systems.

This Recommendation includes an electronic attachment containing test vectors, including video sequences, bitstream files and predicted objective model scores.