1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Abbreviations and terminology
        3.1     Abbreviations
        3.2     Terminology
        3.3     External terminology
 4     GFR traffic parameters and GFR traffic characteristics
        4.1     Specification of other traffic parameters
        4.2     Traffic characteristics relevant to ATCs
 5     High level description of the GFR ATC
 6     Guaranteed Frame Rate transfer capability (GFR)
        6.1     Definition and service model
        6.2    Source traffic descriptor and CDV tolerance
        6.3     Conformance definition and QoS commitments
                  6.3.1     Cell conformance
                  6.3.2     Frame conformance and F‑GCRA(T,t)
                  6.3.3     QoS commitments
                  6.3.4     UPC/NPC actions
Appendix I - Additional material related to the F-GCRA
        I.1     The support of QoS commitments through F‑GCRA
        I.2     Example implementation illustrating how F‑GCRA may be used to support QoS commitments
        I.3     Implementation limits for the case of many non-conforming frames
        I.4     Proof of a result related to F-GCRA
Appendix II - Providing GFR QoS with the CF‑GCRA
Appendix III - Expectations of a GFR network element behaviour
Appendix IV -
Applicability of GFR ATM Transfer Capability to applications