1     Scope
 2     Normative References
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     General framework of AAL type 2
        6.1     Structure of AAL type 2
        6.2     Primitives provided by AAL type 2 for higher layer
        6.3     Information flow across the AAL-ATM boundary
 7     General framework of AAL type 2 Common Part Sublayer (CPS)
        7.1     Service provided by AAL type 2 CPS
        7.2     Primitives between AAL type 2 CPS and SSCS entities
 8     Interaction with Management and Control Plane
        8.1     Management Plane
                  8.1.1     Management Plane interaction with AAL type 2 CPS User Plane
        8.2     Control Plane
 9     Format and coding of AAL type 2 Common Part Sublayer (CPS)
        9.1     Format and coding of the CPS-Packet
        9.2     Format and coding of the CPS-PDU
                  9.2.1     CPS-PDU start field (STF)
                  9.2.2     CPS-PDU payload
10     Procedure of AAL type 2 Common Part Sublayer (CPS)
       10.1     CPS transmitter
       10.2     CPS receiver
       10.3     Summary of error indications to Layer Management
11     Summary of parameters and values for the AAL type 2
Annex A – Data unit naming convention
Annex B – Functional model for the AAL type 2
Annex C – Switching Aspects of AAL type 2 Connections
        C.1     Introduction
        C.2     Definitions
        C.3     Basic principles of switched AAL type 2 connections
        C.4     AAL type 2 connections
                  C.4.1     Connection-definition
                  C.4.2     Connection identifiers
                  C.4.3     AAL type 2 connection/AAL type 2 path relation
        C.5     Aspects of AAL type 2 connections
                  C.5.1     General characteristics of AAL type 2 connections
                  C.5.2     Establishment and release of an AAL type 2 connection
        C.6     Bibliography
Appendix I – Example of packing CPS-Packets into ATM cells
        I.1     Multiplexing and packing of equal length CPS-Packets
        I.2     Multiplexing and packing of different length CPS-Packets
        I.3     Multiplexing and packing of maximum length CPS-Packets
Appendix II – Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma
       II.1     Introduction
                 II.1.1     Scope
                 II.1.2     Normative references
                 II.1.3     Abbreviations
                 II.1.4     Conformance statement
       II.2     PICS Proforma
                 II.2.1     Identification of the PICS Proforma Corrigenda
                 II.2.2     Instructions for completing the PICS Proforma
                 II.2.3     Identification of the implementation
                 II.2.4     Global Statement of Conformance
                 II.2.5     Timers