
Supplement 2 to ITU-T H-series Recommendations summarizes packages that have been standardized in the time-frame from June 2000 to July 2010. It identifies packages that meet ITU-T H.248.x sub-series requirements for package definition and are for general use by the wider standards community.

ITU-T H.248.x sub-series packages guide – Release 14 provides for the:

•          identification of packages that are considered technically consistent with ITU-T H.248.x sub-series principles and packages definition rules in clause 12 of Recommendation ITU-T H.248.1;

•          identification of packages that are currently being worked upon;

•          identification of packages that have been worked upon over a certain period of time;

•          identification of packages with overlapping functionality.

Implementors are encouraged to review the packages in this supplement before proposing new packages.

Release 14 contains:

•          New packages defined in Recommendations ITU-T H.248.78 and H.248.80.

•          Revised packages: None.

•          References to new work items: Recommendations ITU-T H.248.78 and H.248.80.