Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions 
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere        
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation            
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions             
 6     Application-level gateway functionality        
        6.1     MGC strictly controlled MG embedded bearer-level ALG          
        6.2     MG autonomous embedded bearer-level ALG              
 7     MGC Controlled Bearer Level ALG package 
        7.1     Properties       
        7.2     Events              
        7.3     Signals              
        7.4     Statistics          
        7.5     Error codes     
        7.6     Procedures     
 8     MG located Bearer Level ALG package          
        8.1     Properties       
        8.2     Events              
        8.3     Signals              
        8.4     Statistics          
        8.5     Error codes     
        8.6     Procedures     
Annex A – XMPP to MSRP interworking utilising ITU-T H.248.78    
        A.1     Scope               
        A.2     Architectural assumptions       
        A.3     Procedures    
        A.4     Example          
Appendix I – MG located Bearer Level ALG service – Illustration and signalling examples    
        I.1                   Illustration of concept   
        I.2                   Illustration of example use cases             