1     Scope 
 2     References
        2.1     Normative references       
        2.2     Informative references     
 3     Terms and Definitions    
 4     Abbreviations 
 5     H.248 wildcarding guiding principles   
 6     Identification of single parameters         
        6.1     Protocol version   
        6.2     Owner/Creator     
        6.3     Session name        
        6.4     URI of description
        6.5     Email address      
        6.6     Phone number       
        6.7     Encryption key     
        6.8     Time description  
        6.9     Repeat   
       6.10     Time zone adjustments    
       6.11     Media description           
       6.12     Media title and session information        
       6.13     Connection information   
       6.14     Bandwidth information    
       6.15     Attributes
 7     Use for Wildcarding (CHOOSE or ALL)           
 8     Use in auditing
        8.1     Audit value           
        8.2     Audit capability