Summary - G Suppl. 40 (07/2024) - Optical fibre and cable Recommendations and standards guideline

Supplement 40 to the ITU-T G-series Recommendations provides information on the background and specifications used in the development of optical fibre and cable ITU-T Recommendations such as Recommendations ITU-T G.651.1, ITUT G.652, ITU-T G.653, ITU-T G.654, ITU-T G.655, ITUT G.656, ITU-T G.657 and L series Recommendations. It also contains information used in the development of test method Recommendations such as Recommendations ITU-T G.650.1, ITUT G.650.2 and ITU-T G.650.3. Moreover, this Supplement maps ITUT documents to optical fibre and cable standards developed under IEC.
The fifth edition covers the new technical report on "Optical fibre, cable, and components for space division multiplexing" and L-series Recommendations for optical fibre cables.