Rec. ITU-T G.998.4 (11/2018) - Improved impulse noise protection for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Overview
6 Functional reference model
7 TPS-TC function
     7.1 ATM TPS-TC
          7.1.1 Control parameters specific to ITU-T G.998.4
          7.1.2 Valid configurations
          7.1.3 Mandatory configurations
     7.2 PTM TPS-TC with 64/65-octet encapsulation
          7.2.1 Control parameters specific to ITU-T G.998.4
          7.2.2 Valid configurations
          7.2.3 Mandatory configurations
8 Retransmission functions
     8.1 DTU framer
          8.1.1 DTU framer without CRC-8 (Framing type 1)
          8.1.2 DTU framer with CRC-8 (Framing type 2)
          8.1.3 DTU framer with CRC-8 (Framing type 3)
          8.1.4 DTU framer with CRC-8 (Framing type 4)
          8.1.5 Sequence identifier (SID)
          8.1.6 Time stamp
     8.2 Retransmission multiplexer
     8.3 Transmitter retransmission state machine
     8.4 Retransmission return channel (RRC)
          8.4.1 RRC field initialization
          8.4.2 Extended Golay Code Description
     8.5 Roundtrip
     8.6 Retransmission control parameters
          8.6.1 Control parameters
          8.6.2 Valid configurations
          8.6.3 Mandatory configurations
          8.6.4 Selection of parameter values
9 PMS-TC function
     9.1 Scrambler
     9.2 FEC
     9.3 Latency paths multiplexer
     9.4 Framing parameters
          9.4.1 Primary parameters
          9.4.2 Derived parameters
          9.4.3 Valid configurations
          9.4.4 Mandatory configurations
     9.5 Impulse noise protection
          9.5.1 SHINE-only or REIN-only impulse noise environment
          9.5.2 Mixed SHINE and REIN impulse noise environment
10 PMD function
     10.1 Definition of MTBE
     10.2 General definition of signal-to-noise ratio margin
     10.3 Definition of MTBE_min
     10.4 Accelerated testing of MTBE
11 Operation, administration and maintenance (OAM) management function
     11.1 Configuration parameters
          11.1.1 Minimum expected throughput (MINETR_RTX)
          11.1.2 Maximum expected throughput (MAXETR_RTX)
          11.1.3 Maximum net data rate (MAXNDR_RTX)
          11.1.4 Maximum delay (DELAYMAX_RTX)
          11.1.5 Minimum delay (DELAYMIN_RTX)
          11.1.6 Minimum impulse noise protection against SHINE for systems using 4.3125 kHz subcarrier spacing (INPMIN_SHINE_RTX)
          11.1.7 Minimum impulse noise protection against SHINE for systems using 8.625 kHz subcarrier spacing (INPMIN8_SHINE_RTX)
          11.1.8 SHINERATIO_RTX
          11.1.9 Minimum impulse noise protection against REIN for systems using 4.3125 kHz subcarrier spacing (INPMIN_REIN_RTX)
          11.1.10 Minimum impulse noise protection against REIN for systems using 8.625 kHz subcarrier spacing (INPMIN8_REIN_RTX)
          11.1.11 REIN Inter-arrival time for retransmission (IAT_REIN_RTX)
          11.1.12 Threshold for declaring ''leftr'' defect (LEFTR_THRESH)
          11.1.13 Retransmission mode (RTX_MODE)
     11.2 Test parameters
          11.2.1 Expected throughput (ETR)
          11.2.2 Error-free throughput (EFTR)
          11.2.3 Actual INP against SHINE (INP_act_SHINE)
          11.2.4 Actual INP against REIN (INP_act_REIN)
          11.2.5 Actual delay RTX (delay_act_RTX)
     11.3 OAM line-related primitives
          11.3.1 Near-end anomalies
          11.3.2 Far-end anomalies
          11.3.3 Near-end defects
          11.3.4 Far-end defects
     11.4 Performance monitoring parameters
          11.4.1 ''leftr'' defect seconds counter
          11.4.2 Error-free bits counter
          11.4.3 Minimum error-free throughput (EFTR_min) parameter
          11.4.4 Maximum error-free throughput (EFTR_max) parameter
          11.4.5 Extended rate statistics
     11.5 Channel initialization policies
12 DTU counters
13 On-line reconfiguration (OLR)
     13.1 Bit swapping
     13.2 Seamless rate adaptation (SRA)
     13.3 SOS
     13.4 Transition mechanism for type 5 and type 6 modified OLR commands
Annex A  Support of ITU-T G.998.4 with ITU-T G.992.3
     A.1 Specific requirements
          A.1.1 Memory
          A.1.2 Overhead channel access (supplements clause 7.8.2 of [ITU-T G.992.3])
          A.1.3 Multiplexing
     A.2 Initialization
          A.2.1 ITU-T G.994.1 phase - replaces clause K.x.10 of [ITU-T G.992.3]
               A.2.1.1 ITU-T G.994.1 capability list message
               A.2.1.2 ITU-T G.994.1 Mode select message
                    A. ATU-C behaviour in case of RTX_ENABLE = FORCED
          A.2.2 TPS-TC configuration in the channel analysis phase - replaces clause 6.6.2 of [ITU-T G.992.3]
          A.2.3 PMS-TC configuration in channel analysis phase - replaces clause 7.10.2 of [ITU-T G.992.3]
               A.2.3.1 C-MSG1 message
               A.2.3.2 R-MSG1 message
          A.2.4 PMS-TC configuration in exchange phase (supplements clause 7.10.3 of [ITU-T G.992.3])
               A.2.4.1 R-PARAMS message
               A.2.4.2 C-PARAMS message
          A.2.5 Initialization messages
               A.2.5.1 C-MSG1 (supplements clause of [ITU-T G.992.3])
               A.2.5.2 R-MSG1 (supplements clause of [ITU-T G.992.3])
               A.2.5.3 C-PARAMS - replaces clause of [ITU-T G.992.3]
     A.3 Management plane procedures
          A.3.1 Test parameter read commands (supplements clause of [ITU-T G.992.3])
               A.3.2 Management counter read commands (supplements clause of [ITU-T G.992.3])
          A.3.3 Diagnostic commands and responses (supplements clause of [ITU-T G.992.3])
               A.3.3.1 Retransmission test mode
               A.3.4 On-line reconfiguration command
          A.3.5 Power management commands - replaces clause of [ITU-T G.992.3]
     A.4 OLR timing of changes in control parameters
Annex B  Support of ITU-T G.998.4 with ITU-T G.992.5
     B.1 Specific requirements
          B.1.1 Memory
          B.1.2 Overhead channel
          B.1.3 Multiplexing
     B.2 Initialization
     B.3 Management plane procedures
          B.3.1 Intentionally left blank
          B.3.2 Intentionally left blank
          B.3.3 Intentionally left blank
          B.3.4 On-line reconfiguration command
          B.3.5 Power management commands - replaces clause of [ITU-T G.992.5]
     B.4 OLR timing of changes in control parameters
Annex C  Support of ITU-T G.998.4 with ITU-T G.993.2
     C.1 Specific requirements
          C.1.1 Memory
          C.1.2 Overhead channel
          C.1.3 Multiplexing
          C.1.4 Attainable net data rate (ATTNDR)
               C.1.4.1 The basic attainable net data rate method
               C.1.4.2 The improved attainable net data rate method
               C.1.4.4 ATTNDR test parameter read commands and responses
     C.2 Initialization
          C.2.0 ITU-T G.994.1 handshake phase
          C.2.1 VTU-O messages
               C.2.1.1 O-MSG 1
               C.2.1.2 O-TPS
               C.2.1.3 O-PMS
               C.2.1.4 O-PMD
          C.2.2 VTU-R messages
               C.2.2.1 R-MSG2
               C.2.2.2 R-PMS
     C.3 Management plane procedures
          C.3.1 Test parameter read commands
               C.3.1.2 Management counter read commands and responses
               C.3.1.3 Diagnostic commands and responses
                    C. Retransmission test mode
          C.3.2 On-line reconfiguration (OLR) commands and responses
          C.3.3 OLR receiver initiated procedure
               C.3.3.1 Receiver initiated SRA downshift procedure
               C.3.3.2 Receiver initiated SRA upshift procedure
               C.3.3.3 Receiver initiated SOS
               C.3.3.4 Receiver initiated SRA following an SOS procedure
     C.4 Timing of changes in control parameters
Annex D  Support of ITU-T G.998.4 with ITU-T G.993.5
     D.1.1 Memory (replaces clause C.1.1)
          D.1.1.1 Extended memory operation for enhanced net data rates with ITU-T G.993.5 (vectoring) (new clause)
          D.1.3.3 ATTNDR_MAXDELAYOCTET-split (ATTNDR_MDOSPLIT) (supplements clause C.1.3.3)
          D.2.2.1 R-MSG 2 (supplements clause C.2.2.1)
Annex E  VDSL2 low power mode operation
     E.1 Scope
     E.2  Functionality
     E.3 Link states and link state diagram
          E.3.1  Link sub-state L2.1
               E.3.1.1  L2.1 entry from L0
                    E. Single-step entry procedure
                         E. Exchange between VTUs
                         E. Boundary conditions and policy
                         E. Applying the actual PSD trim
                    E. Multi-step entry procedure
               E.3.1.2 L2.1 exit to L0
                    E. Single-step exit procedure
                    E. Exchange between VTUs
                         E. Boundary conditions and policy
                         E. Applying the actual PSD trim
                    E. Multi-step exit procedure
               E.3.1.3 On-line reconfiguration in L2.1
          E.3.2  Link sub-state L2.2
               E.3.2.1  L2.2 entry from L2.1
               E.3.2.2  L2.2 exit to L2.1
     E.4  CO-MIB configuration and status reporting
     E.5  Coordination of link state transitions between VTU-O and VTU-R
          E.5.1 L2.1-Entry-Step-Request command and responses
          E.5.2 L2.1-Exit-Step command and responses
          E.5.3 L2-SRA-Request command and responses
          E.5.4 L2-∆PSD-Request command and responses
          E.5.5 L2.2-Entry-Request command and responses
          E.5.6 L2.2-Exit-Request command and responses
          E.5.7 L2.2-RX-Exit-Request command and responses
Appendix I  Transmit state machine
     I.1 Reference transmit state machine
     I.2 Last chance retransmission state machine
Appendix II  Motivation of MTBE accelerated test