Recommendation ITU-T G.988 Amendment 5 (06/2022) ONU management and control interface (OMCI) specification
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Reference model and terms
     6.1 OMCI in the access network
     6.2 ONU functions
     6.3 Support of multicast connection
     6.4 Voice over Internet protocol management
7 Requirements of the management interface specification
     7.1 Configuration management
     7.2 Fault management
     7.3 Performance management
     7.4 Security management
8 Protocol-independent MIB for the OMCI
     8.1 Managed entities
     8.2 Managed entity relation diagrams
          8.2.1 G-PON ONU common functions
          8.2.2 Layer 2 functions
          8.2.3 This clause is intentionally left blank
          8.2.4 xDSL service
          8.2.5 This clause is intentionally left blank
          8.2.6 MoCA service
          8.2.7 This clause is intentionally left blank
          8.2.8 VoIP service
          8.2.9 Pseudowire service
          8.2.10 Mid-span PON reach extenders
          8.2.11 Point-to-point gigabit Ethernet fed ONU
          8.2.12 Link aggregation service profile
9 MIB description
     9.1 Equipment management
          9.1.1 ONU-G
          9.1.2 ONU2-G
          9.1.3 ONU data
          9.1.4 Software image
          9.1.5 Cardholder
          9.1.6 Circuit pack
          9.1.7 ONU power shedding
          9.1.8 Port-mapping package
          9.1.9 Equipment extension package
          9.1.10 Protection data
          9.1.11 Equipment protection profile
          9.1.12 ONU remote debug
          9.1.13 ONU-E
          9.1.14 ONU dynamic power management control
          9.1.15 ONU3-G
          9.1.16 ONU manufacturing data
          9.1.17 ONU time configuration
          9.1.18 ONU operational performance monitoring history data
          9.1.19 ONU4-G
     9.2 ANI management, traffic management
          9.2.1 ANI-G
          9.2.2 T-CONT
          9.2.3 GEM port network CTP
          9.2.4 GEM interworking termination point
          9.2.5 Multicast GEM interworking termination point
          9.2.6 This clause is intentionally left blank
          9.2.7 GAL Ethernet profile
          9.2.8 GAL Ethernet performance monitoring history data
          9.2.9 Forward error correction performance monitoring history data
          9.2.10 Priority queue
          9.2.11 Traffic scheduler
          9.2.12 Traffic descriptor
          9.2.13 GEM port network CTP performance monitoring history data
          9.2.14 Energy consumption performance monitoring history data
          9.2.15 XG-PON TC performance monitoring history data
          9.2.16 XG-PON downstream management performance monitoring history data
          9.2.17 XG-PON upstream management performance monitoring history data
          9.2.18 L2 multicast GEM interworking termination point
          9.2.19 ANI-E
          9.2.20 EPON downstream performance monitoring configuration
          9.2.21 This clause is intentionally left blank
          9.2.22 Enhanced FEC performance monitoring history data
          9.2.23 Enhanced TC performance monitoring history data
     9.3 Layer 2 data services
          9.3.1 MAC bridge service profile
          9.3.2 MAC bridge configuration data
          9.3.3 MAC bridge performance monitoring history data
          9.3.4 MAC bridge port configuration data
          9.3.5 MAC bridge port designation data
          9.3.6 MAC bridge port filter table data
          9.3.7 MAC bridge port filter pre-assign table
          9.3.8 MAC bridge port bridge table data
          9.3.9 MAC bridge port performance monitoring history data
          9.3.10 IEEE 802.1p mapper service profile
          9.3.11 VLAN tagging filter data
          9.3.12 VLAN tagging operation configuration data
          9.3.13 Extended VLAN tagging operation configuration data
          9.3.14 Dot1X port extension package
          9.3.15 Dot1X configuration profile
          9.3.16 Dot1X performance monitoring history data
          9.3.17 Radius performance monitoring history data
          9.3.18 Dot1 rate limiter
          9.3.19 Dot1ag maintenance domain
          9.3.20 Dot1ag maintenance association
          9.3.21 Dot1ag default MD level
          9.3.22 Dot1ag MEP
          9.3.23 Dot1ag MEP status
          9.3.24 Dot1ag MEP CCM database
          9.3.25 Dot1ag CFM stack
          9.3.26 Dot1ag chassis-management info
          9.3.27 Multicast operations profile
          9.3.28 Multicast subscriber config info
          9.3.29 Multicast subscriber monitor
          9.3.30 Ethernet frame performance monitoring history data upstream
          9.3.31 Ethernet frame performance monitoring history data downstream
          9.3.32 Ethernet frame extended PM
          9.3.33 MAC bridge port ICMPv6 process pre-assign table
          9.3.34 Ethernet frame extended PM 64 bit
          9.3.35 Link aggregation service profile
     9.4 Layer 3 data services
          9.4.1 IP host config data
          9.4.2 IP host performance monitoring history data
          9.4.3 TCP/UDP config data
          9.4.4 TCP/UDP performance monitoring history data
          9.4.5 IPv6 host config data
          9.4.6 IP host performance monitoring history data part 2
     9.5 Ethernet services
          9.5.1 Physical path termination point Ethernet UNI
          9.5.2 Ethernet performance monitoring history data
          9.5.3 Ethernet performance monitoring history data 2
          9.5.4 Ethernet performance monitoring history data 3
          9.5.5 Virtual Ethernet interface point
          9.5.6 Power over Ethernet control
     9.6 This clause is intentionally left blank
     9.7 xDSL services
          9.7.1 Physical path termination point xDSL UNI part 1
          9.7.2 Physical path termination point xDSL UNI part 2
          9.7.3 xDSL line configuration profile part 1
          9.7.4 xDSL line configuration profile part 2
          9.7.5 xDSL line configuration profile part 3
          9.7.6 VDSL2 line configuration extensions
          9.7.7 xDSL channel configuration profile
          9.7.8 xDSL subcarrier masking downstream profile
          9.7.9 xDSL subcarrier masking upstream profile
          9.7.10 xDSL PSD mask profile
          9.7.11 xDSL downstream RFI bands profile
          9.7.12 xDSL line inventory and status data part 1
          9.7.13 xDSL line inventory and status data part 2
          9.7.14 xDSL line inventory and status data part 3
          9.7.15 xDSL line inventory and status data part 4
          9.7.16 VDSL2 line inventory and status data part 1
          9.7.17 VDSL2 line inventory and status data part 2
          9.7.18 VDSL2 line inventory and status data part 3
          9.7.19 xDSL channel downstream status data
          9.7.20 xDSL channel upstream status data
          9.7.21 xDSL xTU-C performance monitoring history data
          9.7.22 xDSL xTU-R performance monitoring history data
          9.7.23 xDSL xTU-C channel performance monitoring history data
          9.7.24 xDSL xTU-R channel performance monitoring history data
          9.7.25 TC adaptor performance monitoring history data xDSL
          9.7.26 VDSL2 line configuration extensions 2
          9.7.27 xDSL impulse noise monitor performance monitoring history data
          9.7.28 xDSL line inventory and status data part 5
          9.7.29 xDSL line inventory and status data part 6
          9.7.30 xDSL line inventory and status data part 7
          9.7.31 xDSL xTU-C performance monitoring history data part 2
          9.7.32 PTM performance monitoring history data xDSL
          9.7.33 VDSL2 line configuration extensions 3
          9.7.34 Vectoring line configuration extensions
          9.7.35 xDSL channel configuration profile part 2
          9.7.36 xTU data gathering configuration
          9.7.37 xDSL line inventory and status data part 8
          9.7.38 VDSL2 line inventory and status data part 4
          9.7.39 Vectoring line inventory and status data
          9.7.40 Data gathering line test, diagnostic and status
          9.7.41 EFM bonding group
          9.7.42 EFM bonding link
          9.7.43 EFM bonding group performance monitoring history data
          9.7.44 EFM bonding group performance monitoring history data part 2
          9.7.45 EFM bonding link performance monitoring history data
          9.7.46 EFM bonding port performance monitoring history data
          9.7.47  EFM bonding port performance monitoring history data part 2
          9.7.48 Physical path termination point xDSL UNI part 3
          9.7.49 FAST line configuration profile part 1
          9.7.50 FAST line configuration profile part 2
          9.7.51 FAST line configuration profile part 3
          9.7.52 FAST line configuration profile part 4
          9.7.53 FAST channel configuration profile
          9.7.54 FAST data path configuration profile
          9.7.55 FAST vectoring line configuration extensions
          9.7.56 FAST line inventory and status data
          9.7.57 FAST line inventory and status data part 2
          9.7.58 FAST xTU-C performance monitoring history data
          9.7.59 FAST xTU-R performance monitoring history data
     9.8 Time division multiplex services
          9.8.1 Physical path termination point CES UNI
          9.8.2 Logical N × 64 kbit/s sub-port connection termination point
          9.8.3 CES service profile
          9.8.4 CES physical interface performance monitoring history data
          9.8.5 Pseudowire termination point
          9.8.6 RTP pseudowire parameters
          9.8.7 Pseudowire maintenance profile
          9.8.8 Pseudowire performance monitoring history data
          9.8.9 Ethernet flow termination point
          9.8.10 This clause is intentionally left blank
          9.8.11 This clause is intentionally left blank
          9.8.12 CES physical interface performance monitoring history data 2
          9.8.13 CES physical interface performance monitoring history data 3
          9.8.14 MPLS pseudowire termination point
          9.8.15 PW ATM configuration data
          9.8.16 PW ATM performance monitoring history data
          9.8.17 PW Ethernet configuration data
          9.8.18 Ethernet pseudowire parameters
     9.9 Voice services
          9.9.1 Physical path termination point POTS UNI
          9.9.2 SIP user data
          9.9.3 SIP agent config data
          9.9.4 VoIP voice CTP
          9.9.5 VoIP media profile
          9.9.6 Voice service profile
          9.9.7 RTP profile data
          9.9.8 VoIP application service profile
          9.9.9 VoIP feature access codes
          9.9.10 Network dial plan table
          9.9.11 VoIP line status
          9.9.12 Call control performance monitoring history data
          9.9.13 RTP performance monitoring history data
          9.9.14 SIP agent performance monitoring history data
          9.9.15 SIP call initiation performance monitoring history data
          9.9.16 MGC config data
          9.9.17 MGC performance monitoring history data
          9.9.18 VoIP config data
          9.9.19 SIP config portal
          9.9.20 MGC config portal
          9.9.21 SIP agent config data 2
     9.10 Premises networks
          9.10.1 Physical path termination point MoCA UNI
          9.10.2 MoCA Ethernet performance monitoring history data
          9.10.3 MoCA interface performance monitoring history data
     9.11 This clause is intentionally left blank
     9.12 General purpose managed entities
          9.12.1 UNI-G
          9.12.2 OLT-G
          9.12.3 Network address
          9.12.4 Authentication security method
          9.12.5 Large string
          9.12.6 Threshold data 1
          9.12.7 Threshold data 2
          9.12.8 OMCI
          9.12.9 Managed entity
          9.12.10 Attribute
          9.12.11 Octet string
          9.12.12 General purpose buffer
          9.12.13 File transfer controller
          9.12.14 Generic status portal
          9.12.15 SNMP configuration data
          9.12.16 BBF TR-069 management server
          9.12.17 Threshold data 64 bit
          9.12.18 OpenFlow config data
          9.12.19 Time status message
          9.12.20 BBF TR-369 USP agent
     9.13 Miscellaneous services
          9.13.1 Physical path termination point video UNI
          9.13.2 Physical path termination point video ANI
          9.13.3 Physical path termination point LCT UNI
          9.13.4 Interworking VCC termination point
          9.13.5 AAL5 profile
          9.13.6 AAL5 performance monitoring history data
          9.13.7 This clause is intentionally left blank
          9.13.8 This clause is intentionally left blank
          9.13.9 VP network CTP
          9.13.10 VP performance monitoring history data
          9.13.11 Enhanced security control
     9.14 Mid-span passive optical network reach extender
          9.14.1 RE ANI-G
          9.14.2 Physical path termination point RE UNI
          9.14.3 RE upstream amplifier
          9.14.4 RE downstream amplifier
          9.14.5 RE config portal
          9.14.6 RE common amplifier parameters
     9.15 RS232/RS485 interface service
          9.15.1 Physical path termination point RS232/RS485 UNI
          9.15.2 RS232/RS485 port operation configuration data
          9.15.3 RS232/RS485 performance monitoring history data
     9.16 ITU-T G.989.3 TWDM and ITU-T G.9804.2 PONTWDM/TDM PON
          9.16.1 TWDM/TDM System Profile managed entity
          9.16.2 TWDM/TDM channel managed entity
          9.16.3 TWDM channel PHY/LODS performance monitoring history data
          9.16.4 TWDM channel XGEM performance monitoring history data
          9.16.5 TWDM channel PLOAM performance monitoring history data part 1
          9.16.6 TWDM channel PLOAM performance monitoring history data part 2
          9.16.7 TWDM channel PLOAM performance monitoring history data part 3
          9.16.8 TWDM channel tuning performance monitoring history data part 1
          9.16.9 TWDM channel tuning performance monitoring history data part 2
          9.16.10 TWDM channel tuning performance monitoring history data part 3
          9.16.11 TWDM channel OMCI performance monitoring history data
10 This clause is intentionally left blank
11 ONU management and control protocol
     11.1 Baseline and extended messages
     11.2 Common message characteristics
          11.2.1 Transaction correlation identifier
          11.2.2 Message type
          11.2.3 Device identifier
          11.2.4 Managed entity identifier
          11.2.5 Message contents length, extended message format
          11.2.6 Message contents
          11.2.7 OMCI trailer, baseline message format
          11.2.8 MIC, extended message format
          11.2.9 Message limits
          11.2.10 Test result enumeration
Annex A  OMCI message syntax and common features
     A.1 General
          A.1.1 Result and reason
          A.1.2 Table attributes
          A.1.3 Get, get response, create response and set messages
          A.1.4 Alarm notifications
               A.1.4.1 Alarm sequence number increase
               A.1.4.2 Alarm audit and resynchronization
               A.1.4.3 Alarm-reporting control
          A.1.5 Test, test response and test result
          A.1.6 Administrative state considerations
     A.2 Extended message set
          A.2.1 Create
          A.2.2 Create response
          A.2.3 Delete
          A.2.4 Delete response
          A.2.5 Set
          A.2.6 Set response
          A.2.7 Get
          A.2.8 Get response
          A.2.9 Get all alarms
          A.2.10 Get all alarms response
          A.2.11 Get all alarms next
          A.2.12 Get all alarms next response
          A.2.13 MIB upload
          A.2.14 MIB upload response
          A.2.15 MIB upload next
          A.2.16 MIB upload next response
          A.2.17 MIB reset
          A.2.18 MIB reset response
          A.2.19 Alarm
          A.2.20 Attribute value change
          A.2.21 Test
               A.2.21.1 Format for ONU-G, ANI-G, RE ANI-G, PPTP RE UNI, RE upstream amplifier, RE downstream amplifier and circuit pack entity classes
               A.2.21.2 Format for IP host config data and IPv6 host config data entity classes
               A.2.21.3 Format for PPTP POTS UNI entity class
               A.2.21.4 Format for dot1ag MEP entity class, loopback test
               A.2.21.5 Format for dot1ag MEP entity class, linktrace test
          A.2.22 Test response
          A.2.23 Start software download
          A.2.24 Start software download response
          A.2.25 Download section
          A.2.26 Download section response
          A.2.27 End software download
          A.2.28 End software download response
          A.2.29 Activate image
          A.2.30 Activate image response
          A.2.31 Commit image
          A.2.32 Commit image response
          A.2.33 Synchronize time
          A.2.34 Synchronize time response
          A.2.35 Reboot
          A.2.36 Reboot response
          A.2.37 Get next
          A.2.38 Get next response
          A.2.39 Test result
               A.2.39.1 Format for self-test action invoked against ONU-G and circuit pack entity classes
               A.2.39.2 Format for vendor-specific test actions invoked against ONU-G and circuit pack entity classes
               A.2.39.3 Format for POTS UNI entity class
               A.2.39.4 Format for test action invoked against IP host config data and IPv6 host config data entity classes
               A.2.39.5 Format for optical line supervision test action invoked against ANI-G, RE ANI-G, PPTP RE UNI, RE upstream amplifier or RE downstream amplifier entity class
               A.2.39.6 Format for test action invoked against dot1ag MEP entity class, loopback test
               A.2.39.7 Format for test action invoked against dot1ag MEP entity class, linktrace test
          A.2.40 Get current data
          A.2.41 Get current data response
          A.2.42 Set table
          A.2.43 Set table response
     A.3 Baseline message set
          A.3.1 Create
          A.3.2 Create response
          A.3.3 Delete
          A.3.4 Delete response
          A.3.5 Set
          A.3.6 Set response
          A.3.7 Get
          A.3.8 Get response
          A.3.9 Get all alarms
          A.3.10 Get all alarms response
          A.3.11 Get all alarms next
          A.3.12 Get all alarms next response
          A.3.13 MIB upload
          A.3.14 MIB upload response
          A.3.15 MIB upload next
          A.3.16 MIB upload next response
          A.3.17 MIB reset
          A.3.18 MIB reset response
          A.3.19 Alarm
          A.3.20 Attribute value change
          A.3.21 Test
               A.3.21.1 Format for ONU-G, ANI-G, RE ANI-G, PPTP RE UNI, RE upstream amplifier, RE downstream amplifier and circuit pack entity classes
               A.3.21.2 Format for IP host config data and IPv6 host config entity classes
               A.3.21.3 Format for PPTP POTS UNI entity class
               A.3.21.4 Format for dot1ag MEP entity class, loopback test
               A.3.21.5 Format for dot1ag MEP entity class, linktrace test
          A.3.22 Test response
          A.3.23 Start software download
          A.3.24 Start software download response
          A.3.25 Download section
          A.3.26 Download section response
          A.3.27 End software download
          A.3.28 End software download response
          A.3.29 Activate image
          A.3.30 Activate image response
          A.3.31 Commit image
          A.3.32 Commit image response
          A.3.33 Synchronize time
          A.3.34 Synchronize time response
          A.3.35 Reboot
          A.3.36 Reboot response
          A.3.37 Get next
          A.3.38 Get next response
          A.3.39 Test result
               A.3.39.1 Format for self-test action invoked against ONU-G and circuit pack entity classes
               A.3.39.2 Format for vendor-specific test actions invoked against ONU-G and circuit pack entity classes
               A.3.39.3 Format for PPTP POTS UNI entity class
               A.3.39.4 Format for test action invoked against IP host config data and IPv6 host config data entity classes
               A.3.39.5 Format for optical line supervision test action invoked against ANI-G, RE ANI-G, PPTP RE UNI, RE upstream amplifier or RE downstream amplifier entity class
               A.3.39.6 Format for test action invoked against dot1ag MEP entity class, loopback test
               A.3.39.7 Format for test action invoked against dot1ag MEP entity class, linktrace test
          A.3.40 Get current data
          A.3.41 Get current data response
Annex B  OMCI in ITU-T PON systems
     B.1 Establishing the ONU management and control channel (OMCC)
     B.2 OMCI handling within the ONU
          B.2.1 Message flow control and error recovery
          B.2.2 Prioritized protocol entities
          B.2.3 Restrictions on actions in relation to the protocol entities
          B.2.4 Use of the default alloc-ID
Annex C  OMCI in Ethernet PON systems
     C.1 Establishing the ONU management and control channel (OMCC)
     C.2 Encapsulating OMCI messages in Ethernet frames
     C.3 Relationship between the OMCI and OAM defined in clause 57 of [IEEE 802.3]
     C.4 Adaptation of the G-PON information model to EPON
          C.4.1 Overview
          C.4.2 ME definitions
               C.4.2.1 Clause 9.2.3: GEM port network CTP
               C.4.2.2 Clause 9.2.4: GEM interworking termination point
Appendix I  OMCI common services
     I.1 ONU MIB management
          I.1.1 MIB discovery
               I.1.1.1 OMCI capability report option
               I.1.1.2 MIB upload
          I.1.2 MIB data sync
               I.1.2.1 MIB data sync attribute
               I.1.2.2 MIB data sync operation
               I.1.2.3 Loss of MIB synchronization
          I.1.3 MIB audit and resynchronization
               I.1.3.1 MIB audit
               I.1.3.2 MIB resynchronization
          I.1.4 Bringing up ONUs
               I.1.4.1 Old ONU bring-up
               I.1.4.2 New ONU bring-up
     I.2 Equipment management
          I.2.1 Slot-port model
          I.2.2 The chassis-based ONU
          I.2.3 Dynamic behaviour
               I.2.3.1 ONU initialization: the ONU's view
               I.2.3.2 ONU initialization: the OLT view
               I.2.3.3 Circuit pack provisioning
                    I. Circuit pack provisioned into a cardholder
                    I. Cardholder de-provisioned
                    I. Circuit pack physically inserted into a cardholder
                    I. Circuit pack physically extracted from a cardholder
               I.2.3.4 MIB sanity
          I.2.4 Protection
          I.2.5 Environmental inputs and outputs
          I.2.6 Managed entity analysis
               I.2.6.1 ONU-G, ONU2-G
               I.2.6.2 Cardholder
               I.2.6.3 Circuit pack
          I.2.7 Power shedding
          I.2.8 Remote debug
     I.3 Software upgrade
          I.3.1 Overview
          I.3.2 Software image download
               I.3.2.2 Extended message set download
          I.3.3 Software image activate and commit
     I.4 Performance monitoring
          I.4.1 Classical PM
          I.4.2 Extended PM
Appendix II  G-PON mechanisms and services
     II.1 Layer 2 data service according to [b-BBF TR-156]
          II.1.1 Requirements base
          II.1.2 Layer 2 unicast data services
               II.1.2.1 Single UNI OMCI provisioning model
                    II. T-CONT and GEM port usage
                    II. Classification and marking
                    II. MAC address filtering
                    II. Flow routing
                    II. Message flows
               II.1.2.2 Multiple UNI OMCI provisioning model
                    II. T-CONT and GEM port usage
                    II. Classification and marking
                    II. Flow routing
                    II. Message flows
          II.1.3 Layer 2 multicast data services
               II.1.3.1 Data plane
                    II. Single UNI OMCI provisioning model
                         II. Provisioning considerations
                         II. Message flows
                    II. Multiple UNI OMCI provisioning model
               II.1.3.2 Control plane
     II.2 Dual-managed ONUs
     II.3 Traffic management
          II.3.1 Requirements and techniques
               II.3.1.1 Introduction
               II.3.1.2 Diffserv over G-PON
               II.3.1.3 Metro Ethernet over G-PON
                    II. Provisioning considerations
          II.3.2 Traffic management in [b-BBF TR-156]
               II.3.2.1 Traffic classification
               II.3.2.2 Rate limiting
               II.3.2.3 Queueing
               II.3.2.4 Scheduling
               II.3.2.5 T-CONT support
               II.3.2.6 OMCI model
          II.3.3 Beyond [b-BBF TR-156]
               II.3.3.1 Default practice – Fixed queue/scheduler/T-CONT
                    II. ONU provisioning considerations
                    II. OLT provisioning considerations
               II.3.3.2 Alternative practice – Flexible queue/scheduler/T-CONT
                    II. ONU provisioning considerations
                    II. OLT provisioning considerations
          II.3.4 ONU architectural considerations
               II.3.4.1 Priority queue configuration
               II.3.4.2 Explicit traffic scheduler configuration
               II.3.4.3 Traffic descriptor configuration
               II.3.4.4 Priority and rate controlled configuration
               II.3.4.5 Flexible assignment
     II.4 Voice services
          II.4.1 VoIP capability discovery
          II.4.2 VoIP common provisioning
          II.4.3 SIP provisioning
          II.4.4 ITU-T H.248 provisioning
          II.4.5 Message flows
               II.4.5.1 SIP provisioning flow
               II.4.5.2 ITU-T H.248 message flow
          II.4.6 Voice service in a dual-managed ONU
               II.4.6.1 Common provisioning
               II.4.6.2 SIP provisioning
               II.4.6.3 ITU-T H.248 provisioning
     II.5 Extended layer 2 data service model
Appendix III  This appendix is intentionally left blank