Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere       
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation           
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Reference models and system requirements             
        5.1     System reference models       
        5.2     Application reference models
        5.3     FTU protocol reference model              
        5.4     FTU functional model
        5.5     INP system requirements       
 6     Profiles       
        6.1     Definition      
        6.2     Profile compliance     
 7     Transmission medium interface characteristics         
        7.1     Duplexing method     
        7.2     Frequency band          
        7.3     Power spectral density             
        7.4     Out-of-band PSD limit               
        7.5     Termination impedance          
        7.6     Maximum aggregate transmit power 
 8     Transport protocol specific transmission convergence (TPS‑TC) function       
        8.1     Functional reference model  
        8.2     Generic DTU format  
        8.3     Packet-based TPS-TC (PTM-TC)            
        8.4     Network timing reference (NTR)          
        8.5     Time‑of‑day (ToD)     
 9     Physical media specific transmission convergence (PMS‑TC) sub-layer            
        9.1     Functional reference model  
        9.2     DTU scrambler             
        9.3     DTU encoder
        9.4     Interleaver    
        9.5     Data frame multiplexer            
        9.6     RMC 
        9.7     Acknowledgement    
        9.8     Retransmission function          
10     Physical media dependent (PMD) function
       10.1     PMD functional reference model       
       10.2     Symbol encoder        
       10.3     Precoder (downstream vectoring)     
       10.4     Modulation 
       10.5     TDD frame structure
       10.6     Superframe structure             
       10.7     Normal and discontinuous operation intervals             
       10.8     Alignment of transmissions in vectored group              
11     Operation and maintenance (OAM)             
       11.1     OAM functional model           
       11.2     Management functions and procedures over eoc       
       11.3     OAM primitives          
       11.4     OAM parameters      
12     Link activation methods and procedures    
       12.1     Overview     
       12.2     Special operations channel (SOC)       
       12.3     Initialization procedure          
       12.4     Loop diagnostics mode           
13     Online reconfiguration (OLR)           
       13.1     Overview     
       13.2     Eoc-based procedures            
       13.3     RMC-based procedures         
       13.4     Low power link states             
14     Electrical requirements     
       14.1     Balance         
       14.2     Differential port impedance 
Annex A to Annex C    
Annex D Operation with Dynamic Time Assignment in a crosstalk environment    
        D.1     Scope             
        D.2     Definitions    
        D.3     Abbreviations and acronyms 
        D.4     Reference model(s)  
        D.5     Coordinated Dynamic time assignment (cDTA)              
        D.6     Initialization messages            
Annex E to Annex Q    
Annex R Showtime reconfiguration    
        R.1     Scope              
        R.2     Overview       
        R.3     Showtime reconfiguration procedures              
        R.4     Management of the showtime reconfiguration protocol           
        R.5     Showtime reconfiguration request eoc commands      
        R.6     Near-end anomalies 
Annex S NT software upgrade    
        S.1     Scope              
        S.2     References   
        S.3     Reference model        
        S.4     Software image management process
        S.5     Message set 
        S.6     Software upgrade (informative)           
Annex T Dynamic time assignment (DTA) – higher-layer control aspects    
        T.1     Scope              
        T.2     DTA control parameters          
        T.3     Coordination between the link state request and the DTA request       
Annex U to Annex W    
Annex X Operation without multi-line coordination intended for  a crosstalk-free environment    
        X.1     Scope              
        X.2     Definitions    
        X.3     Abbreviations and acronyms 
        X.4     Reference model(s)  
        X.5     Profiles           
        X.6     Independent dynamic time assignment (iDTA)
        X.7     Initialization messages             
        X.8     Discontinuous operation         
        X.9     On-line reconfiguration           
      X.10      Initialization 
       X.11     Low power states     
       X.12     Adaptation to the coaxial cable medium         
Annex Y Upstream dynamic resource reports    
Annex Z Cross-layer traffic monitoring functions and link state control    
        Z.0     Introduction 
        Z.1     Definition of Terms    
        Z.2     Abbreviations and acronyms  
        Z.3     Reference models      
        Z.4     Generic traffic monitoring functions   
        Z.5     Generic information flows      
        Z.6     Link state specific functions   
        Z.7     Link state management and reporting parameters       
Appendix I Wiring topologies and reference loops    
        I.1     Wiring topologies        
        I.2     Reference loops           
Appendix II Example OLR use cases    
       II.1     Transmitter initiated gain adjustment (TIGA)  
Appendix III Motivation of MTBE accelerated test    
Appendix IV Targeted generalized vectoring with active ITU-T G.9701 supporting lines (TGVA)    
       IV.1     Scope              
       IV.2     Definitions    
       IV.3     Downstream TGVA (TGVAds) with active ITU-T G.9701 supporting lines             
       IV.4     Upstream TGVA (TGVAus) with active ITU-T G.9701 supporting lines   
Appendix V Retransmission buffer size and the achievable bit-rate    
        V.1     Case 1: NSYMret+NSYMack+1 ≤ Mus      
        V.2     Case 2: NSYMret+NSYMack+1≥Mus   
        V.3     Case 3: Lower bound for the achievable net data rate
        V.4     Memory size example              
Appendix VI Example applications of discontinuous operation    
       VI.1     Discontinuous operation with vectoring disabled         
       VI.2     Examples of discontinuous operation with vectoring enabled 
Appendix VII Calculation of loop attenuation (LATN)    
Appendix VIII Impulse noise monitoring – detection and interpretation of impulse noise using clusters of corrupted DTUs    
     VIII.1     Overview      
     VIII.2     Expected accuracy of impulse noise events    
Appendix IX Examples of the cDTA procedure    
       IX.1     Mds is increased          
       IX.2     Mds is decreased         