2 References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Abbreviations
5 SDH MS shared protection ring
(SPR) protection management
5.1 SDH MS SPR protection management
5.2 SDH MS SPR information model
6 Managed object class definitions
6.1 auSquelchTable
6.2 msSPRProtectionGroup
6.3 msSPRProtectionUnit
6.4 nutTable
6.5 ripTable
6.6 sdhMSSPRProtectionCoordinator
6.7 sPRingManager
6.8 squelchTable
7 Packages
7.1 changeSPRConfigurationPkg
7.2 enhancedWtrSpanPkg
7.3 fourFiberPUPkg
7.4 manualSPRConfigurationPkg
7.5 restoreExtraTrafficPkg
7.6 wtrSpanPkg
8.1 auTable
8.2 auNumber
8.3 currentSquelchingList
8.4 directionTable
8.5 enhancedWaitToRestoreTimeSpan
8.6 msSPRProtectionStatus
8.7 nodeNumber
8.8 nutChannelList
8.9 nutTableId
8.10 protectionGroupPointer
8.11 restoreExtraTraffic
8.12 ringId
8.13 ringMap
8.14 ringPU
8.15 ripChannelList
8.16 ripTableId
8.17 spanPU
8.18 sPRingApplication
8.19 sPRingManagerId
8.20 squelchTableId
8.21 waitToRestoreTimeSpan
9.1 changeSPRConfiguration
9.2 updateRipTable
9.3 updateSquelchTable
10 Notifications
11 Parameters
11.1 msSPRConfigurationError
11.2 msSPRLockoutTypeParameter
11.3 msSPRProtectionGroupConfigParameter
11.4 msSPRProtectionStatusParameter
12 Name Bindings
12.1 auSquelchTable-squelchTable
12.2 nutTable-sPRingManager
12.3 ripTable-sPRingManager
12.4 sPRingManager-managedElement
12.5 squelchTable-sPRingManager
12.6 Reuse of Existing Name Bindings
13 Supporting ASN.1 Productions
Appendix I – Inheritance and containment diagrams
Appendix II – Illustrations of MS SPR configuration