1     Scope        
 2     References             
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms           
 5     Conventions           
 6     Context and background     
        6.1     Relationship to management information modelling   
        6.2     Relationship to the ASON architecture            
        6.3     Relationship to technology-specific Recommendations             
        6.4     Relationship to the TMN architecture
        6.5     Management perspective      
        6.6     Methodology             
 7     Architecture perspective    
        7.1     Fundamental elements          
        7.2     Reference points and interfaces         
        7.3     Management reference points and interfaces
 8     Requirements context        
        8.1     Control plane component relationships           
        8.2     ASON control-related services            
        8.3     Domains       
        8.4     Transport resources  
        8.5     Policies         
        8.6     Management of protection and restoration    
        8.7     Security management            
        8.8     Management of the data communication network      
        8.9     Accounting management       
 9     ASON management requirements  
        9.1     Configuration management  
        9.2     Fault management   
        9.3     Performance management   
        9.4     Accounting management       
        9.5     Management/configuration of protection and restoration       
10     Identifiers and relationships           
       10.1     Identifiers   
       10.2     Relationships            
Appendix I – Example realizations    
Appendix II – Management applications    