1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Terms and definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     Instances of discovery
        6.1     Layer adjacency discovery
        6.2     Physical media adjacency discovery
        6.3     Control entity logical adjacency establishment
 7     Layer adjacency discovery
        7.1     SNTP control entity logical adjacency establishment
 8     Physical media adjacency discovery
        8.1     Port control entity logical adjacency establishment
 9     Discovery attributes list
        9.1     LAD Attributes
        9.2     PMAD Attributes
10     Discovery message
       10.1     HELLO: Discovery
       10.2     HELLO_ACK: Discovery Response
11     Discovery process flow
       11.1     LAD/PMAD State Diagram
Annex A – Service capability exchange
Appendix I – Methods for discovery
        I.1     Trace Id method
        I.2     Test signal method
        I.3     Relative advantages of the two strategies
                  I.3.1     Trace Id method
                  I.3.2     Test signal method