Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere       
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation           
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions            
 6     Management architecture 
        6.1     Network management architecture   
        6.2     Equipment management architecture
 7     Fault management
        7.1     Fault management applications           
        7.2     Fault management functions
 8     Configuration management              
        8.1     Hardware      
        8.2     Software        
        8.3     Protection switching 
        8.4     Trail termination         
        8.5     Adaptation    
        8.6     Connection   
        8.7     DEG thresholds           
        8.8     XXX_Reported             
        8.9     Alarm severity             
       8.10     Alarm reporting control (ARC)             
       8.11     PM thresholds           
       8.12     Tandem connection monitoring (TCM) activation        
       8.13     Date and time            
       8.14     Optical power monitoring and control              
 9     Account management         
10     Performance management
       10.1     Performance management applications          
       10.2     Performance monitoring functions    
11     Security management        
Appendix I – Overview of common and technology-specific ITU-T Recommendations     
Appendix II – Protocol to set the local real-time clock within a few seconds relative to the external time reference    
       II.1     Measure round trip time          
       II.2     Calculate the time drift             
       II.3     Set NE clock   