1     General
 2     Planning principles
 3     Objectives for the mixed analogue/digital chain of 4-wire circuits
        3.4     Attenuation/frequency distortion
        3.5     Group delay distortions
        3.6     Non-linear distortions
        3.7     Noise (total distortion)
        3.8     Impulse noise
        3.9     Short-time interruptions, phase jitter, amplitude and phase hits
       3.10     Error performance
Annex A  –  Definitions
Appendix I    –  Influence of errors in digital 2048 kbit/s streams on the noise in voice-frequency mixed circuits
        I.1     Introduction
        I.2     Noise power in a PCM voice-frequency circuit due to digital errors
        I.3     Conclusion
References (to Appendix I)
Appendix II   –  Calculation method of MOS equivalent to noise due to quantization distortion
Appendix III  –  The effect of errors in 2048 kbit/s digital streams on appearance of impulse noise in mixed voice-frequency circuits