ITU-T Rec. F.400/X.400 (07/1996) – Message handling system and service overview
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
    3.1 Open Systems Interconnection
    3.2 Directory systems
4 Abbreviations
5 Conventions
6 Purpose
7 Functional model of MHS
    7.1 Description of the MHS model
    7.2 Structure of messages
    7.3 Application of the MHS model
    7.4 Message Store (MS)
8 Message Transfer service
    8.1 Submission and delivery
    8.2 Transfer
    8.3 Notifications
    8.4 User Agent
    8.5 Message Store
    8.6 Access unit
    8.7 Use of the MTS in the provision of various services
9 IPM service
    9.1 IPM service functional model
    9.2 Structure of IP-messages
    9.3 IP-notifications
10 Intercommunication with physical delivery services
    10.1 Introduction
    10.2 Organizational configurations
11 Specialized access
    11.1 Introduction
    11.2 Telex access
    11.3 Facsimile access
12 Naming and addressing
    12.1 Introduction
13 MHS use of directory
    13.1 Introduction
    13.2 Functional model
    13.3 Physical configurations
14 Distribution lists in MHS
    14.1 Introduction
    14.2 Properties of a DL
    14.3 Submission
    14.4 DL use of a directory
    14.5 DL expansion
    14.6 Nesting
    14.7 Recursion control
    14.8 Delivery
    14.9 Routing loop control
    14.10 Notifications
    14.11 DL-handling policy
15 Security capabilities of MHS
    15.1 Introduction
    15.2 MHS-security threats
    15.3 Security model
    15.4 MHS-security capabilities
    15.5 Security management
    15.6 MHS-security dependencies
    15.7 IPM security
16 Conversion in MHS
17 Use of the MHS in provision of public services
18 Elements of service – Purpose
19 Elements of service – Classification
    19.1 Purpose of classification
    19.2 Basic Message Transfer service
    19.3 MT service optional user facilities
    19.4 Base MH/PD service intercommunication
    19.5 Optional user facilities for MH/PD service intercommunication
    19.6 Base message store
    19.7 MS optional user facilities
    19.8 Basic Interpersonal Messaging service
    19.9 IPM service optional user facilities
Annex A – Glossary of terms
    A.1 access unit (AU)
    A.2 actual recipient
    A.3 Administration
    A.4 administration domain name
    A.5 administration management domain (ADMD)
    A.6 alternate recipient
    A.7 attribute
    A.8 attribute list
    A.9 attribute type
    A.10 attribute value
    A.11 basic service
    A.12 body
    A.13 body part
    A.14 common name
    A.15 content
    A.16 content type
    A.17 conversion
    A.18 country name
    A.19 delivery
    A.20 delivery report
    A.21 direct submission
    A.22 directory
    A.23 directory name
    A.24 directory system agent (DSA)
    A.25 directory user agent (DUA)
    A.26 direct user
    A.27 distribution list (DL)
    A.28 distribution list expansion
    A.29 distribution list name
    A.30 domain
    A.31 domain-defined attributes
    A.32 element of service
    A.33 encoded information type (EIT)
    A.34 envelope
    A.35 explicit conversion
    A.36 extension of physical delivery address components
    A.37 extension of postal O/R address components
    A.38 file transfer body part
    A.39 formatted postal O/R address
    A.40 general text body part
    A.41 heading
    A.42 immediate recipient
    A.43 implicit conversion
    A.44 indirect submission
    A.45 indirect user
    A.46 intercommunication
    A.47 interpersonal messaging service
    A.48 IP-message
    A.49 local postal attributes
    A.50 management domain (MD)
    A.51 management domain name
    A.52 members
    A.53 message
    A.54 message handling (MH)
    A.55 message handling environment (MHE)
    A.56 message handling service
    A.57 message handling system (MHS)
    A.58 message storage
    A.59 message store (MS)
    A.60 message transfer (MT)
    A.61 message transfer agent (MTA)
    A.62 message transfer service
    A.63 message transfer system (MTS)
    A.64 messaging system
    A.65 mnemonic O/R address
    A.66 naming authority
    A.67 network address
    A.68 non-delivery
    A.69 non-registered access
    A.70 numeric O/R address
    A.71 numeric user identifier
    A.72 O/R address
    A.73 O/R name
    A.74 optional user facilities
    A.75 organization name
    A.76 organizational unit name
    A.77 originator
    A.78 personal name
    A.79 physical delivery (PD)
    A.80 physical delivery access unit (PDAU)
    A.81 physical delivery address components
    A.82 physical delivery country name
    A.83 physical delivery domain
    A.84 physical delivery office address components
    A.85 physical delivery office name
    A.86 physical delivery office number
    A.87 physical delivery organization name
    A.88 physical delivery personal name
    A.89 physical delivery service
    A.90 physical delivery service name
    A.91 physical delivery system (PDS)
    A.92 physical message
    A.93 physical rendition
    A.94 postal code
    A.95 postal O/R address
    A.96 postal O/R address components
    A.97 post office box address (P.O. Box address)
    A.98 post restante address
    A.99 potential recipient
    A.100 preferred recipient
    A.101 private domain name
    A.102 private management domain (PRMD)
    A.103 probe
    A.104 public message handling service
    A.105 public services
    A.106 receipt
    A.107 recipient
    A.108 recursion
    A.109 redirection
    A.110 registered access
    A.111 report
    A.112 retrieval
    A.113 security capabilities
    A.114 specialized access
    A.115 standard attribute
    A.116 street address
    A.117 subject
    A.118 subject message
    A.119 subject probe
    A.120 submission
    A.121 substitute recipient
    A.122 terminal identifier
    A.123 terminal O/R address
    A.124 terminal type
    A.125 transfer
    A.126 transfer system
    A.127 transmittal
    A.128 unformatted postal O/R address
    A.129 unique postal name
    A.130 user
    A.131 user agent (UA)
    A.132 voice body part
Annex B – Definitions of elements of service
    B.1 access management MT
    B.2 additional physical rendition PD PR
    B.3 alternate recipient allowed MT
    B.4 alternate recipient assignment MT
    B.5 authorizing users indication IPM
    B.6 auto-forwarded indication IPM
    B.7 basic physical rendition PD PR
    B.8 blind copy recipient indication IPM PR
    B.9 body part encryption indication IPM
    B.10 content confidentiality MT
    B.11 content integrity MT PR
    B.12 content type indication MT
    B.13 conversion prohibition MT
    B.14 conversion prohibition in case of loss of information MT
    B.15 converted indication MT PR
    B.16 counter collection PD PR
    B.17 counter collection with advice PD PR
    B.18 cross-referencing indication IPM
    B.19 deferred delivery MT
    B.20 deferred delivery cancellation MT
    B.21 delivery notification MT PR
    B.22 delivery time stamp indication MT PR
    B.23 delivery via bureaufax service PD PR
    B.24 designation of recipient by directory name MT PR
    B.25 disclosure of other recipients MT
    B.26 IPM-UA MT
    B.27 IPM-UA MT
    B.28 express mail service (EMS) PD PR
    B.29 expiry date indication IPM
    B.30 explicit conversion MT PR
    B.31 forwarded IP-message indication IPM
    B.32 grade of delivery selection MT
    B.33 hold for delivery MT
    B.34 implicit conversion MT
    B.35 importance indication IPM
    B.36 incomplete copy indication IPM
    B.37 IP-message identification IPM
    B.38 language indication IPM
    B.39 latest delivery designation MT
    B.40 message flow confidentiality MT
    B.41 message identification MT
    B.42 message origin authentication MT PR
    B.43 message security labelling MT
    B.44 message sequence integrity MT PR
    B.45 multi-destination delivery MT PR
    B.46 multi-part body IPM
    B.47 non-delivery notification MT PR
    B.48 non-receipt notification request indication IPM PR
    B.49 non-repudiation of delivery MT PR
    B.50 non-repudiation of origin MT PR
    B.51 non-repudiation of submission MT
    B.52 obsoleting indication IPM
    B.53 ordinary mail PD PR
    B.54 original encoded information types indication MT
    B.55 originator indication IPM
    B.56 originator requested alternate recipient MT PR
    B.57 physical delivery notification by MHS PD PR
    B.58 physical delivery notification by PDS PD PR
    B.59 physical forwarding allowed PD PR
    B.60 physical forwarding prohibited PD PR
    B.61 prevention of non-delivery notification MT PR
    B.62 primary and copy recipients indication IPM
    B.63 probe MT
    B.64 probe origin authentication MT
    B.65 proof of delivery MT PR
    B.66 proof of submission MT
    B.67 receipt notification request indication IPM PR
    B.68 redirection disallowed by originator MT
    B.69 redirection of incoming messages MT
    B.70 registered mail PD PR
    B.71 registered mail to addressee in person PD PR
    B.72 reply request indication IPM PR
    B.73 replying IP-message indication IPM
    B.74 report origin authentication MT
    B.75 request for forwarding address PD PR
    B.76 requested preferred delivery method MT PR
    B.77 restricted delivery MT
    B.78 return of content MT
    B.79 secure access management MT
    B.80 sensitivity indication IPM
    B.81 special delivery PD PR
    B.82 stored message alert MS
    B.83 auto-forwarding of IP-messages MS
    B.84 stored message deletion MS
    B.85 stored message fetching MS
    B.86 stored message listing MS
    B.87 stored message summary MS
    B.88 subject indication IPM
    B.89 submission time stamp indication MT
    B.90 typed body IPM
    B.91 undeliverable mail with return of physical message PD PR
    B.92 use of distribution list MT PR
    B.93 user/UA capabilities registration MT
    B.94 auto-submitted indication IPM
    B.95 MS register MS
    B.96 auto-acknowledgement of IP-messages IPM MS
    B.97 auto-action log MS
    B.98 auto-assignment of annotations MS
    B.99 auto-assignment of group names MS
    B.100 auto-assignment of storage period MS
    B.101 auto-correlation of IP-messages IPM MS
    B.102 auto-correlation of IP-notifications IPM MS
    B.103 auto-correlation of reports MS
    B.104 auto-deletion after storage period MS
    B.105 auto-discarding of IP-messages IPM MS
    B.106 delivery log MS
    B.107 IP-message action status IPM MS
    B.108 storage of draft messages MS
    B.109 storage on submission MS
    B.110 storage period assignment MS
    B.111 stored message annotation MS
    B.112 stored message grouping MS
    B.113 submission log MS
    B.114 submission of IP-messages incorporating stored messages IPM MS
    B.115 non-repudiation of content received IPM
    B.116 request for non-repudiation of content received IPM
    B.117 non-repudiation of IP-notification IPM
    B.118 request for non-repudiation of IP-notification IPM
    B.119 proof of content received
    B.120 request for proof of content received IPM
    B.121 proof of IP-notification IPM
    B.122 request for proof of IP-notification IPM
    B.123 copy precedence IPM MT
    B.124 distribution code IPM
    B.125 exempted address IPM MT
    B.126 extended authorization information IPM
    B.127 message instructions IPM
    B.128 message type IPM
    B.129 originator reference IPM
    B.130 other recipients indicator IPM
    B.131 primary precedence IPM MT
Annex C – Elements of service changes from 1992
    C.1 New elements of service in 1996
    C.2 Classification of new elements of service
Annex D – Differences between ITU-T Recommendation F.400 and ISO/IEC International Standard 10021-1
    D.1 Differences
Annex E – Multinational PRMD