1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Definitions
 4     Order of priority
 5     Limitations
 6     Service hours
 1     Preparation and handing-in of radiotelegrams
        1.1     Indication of station of origin
        1.2     Use of accounting authority identification codes by mobile stations
        1.3     Time of handing-in
        1.4     Address
 2     Counting of words
 3     Routing of radiotelegrams
 4     Transmission of radiotelegrams
        4.1     Routine repetition
        4.2     Doubtful reception
        4.3     Long distance radiocommunications
        4.4     Routine retransmission by mobile stations
        4.5     Period of retention of radiotelegrams at land stations
 5     Advice of non-delivery
 6     Radiomaritime letters
 7     Special services
 8     Special conditions relating to the maritime mobile-satellite service
 1     General
        1.1     Routing of calls
        1.2     Information to be supplied, as necessary by the calling party
        1.3     Call duration
        1.4     Validity of requests
        1.5     Exchange of radiotelegrams by radiotelex
 2     Traffic from mobile stations to subscribers of the international telex service
        2.1     Automatic operation
        2.2     Single-operator operation
        2.3     Semi-automatic operation
        2.4     Manual operation
        2.5     Store-and-forward service
        2.6     Operational procedures
 3     Traffic from subscribers of the international telex service-to-mobile stations
        3.1     Fully automatic operation
        3.2     Single-operator operation (direct access by a calling telex subscriber to a foreign land station)
        3.3     Semi-automatic operation (access by a calling subscriber to one’s international centre for the establishment of a direct connection)
        3.4     Manual operation
        3.5     Store-and-forward
 4     Traffic exchanged between mobile stations
 5     Radiomaritime telex letter
        5.1     Definition
        5.2     Operational procedures
 6     Special provisions for the maritime mobile-satellite telex service
        6.1     Procedures for calls from subscribers of the international telex service to a mobile earth station
        6.2     Procedures for calls from MES to subscribers of the international telex service
        6.3     Procedures for MES-to-MES calls
        6.4     Instructions for maritime mobile-satellite telex service
 1     General
        1.1     Language to be used
        1.2     Priority
        1.3     Routing of calls
        1.4     Information to be supplied, as necessary, by the calling party
        1.5     Call duration
        1.6     Validity of requests
        1.7     Exchange of radiotelegrams by radiotelephony
 2     Traffic from mobile stations to telephone subscribers
        2.1     Automatic operation
        2.2     Single-operator operation
        2.3     Semi-automatic operation
        2.4     Manual operation
        2.5     Operational procedures
 3     Traffic from telephone subscribers to mobile stations
        3.1     Fully automatic operation
        3.2     Single-operator operation (direct access by a calling subscriber to a foreign land station)
        3.3     Semi-automatic procedure (access by a calling subscriber to one’s international centre for the establishment of a direct connection)
        3.4     Manual operation
 4     Traffic exchanged between mobile stations
 5     Special provisions for the maritime mobile-satellite telephone service
        5.1     Procedures for calls from subscribers of a terrestrial telephone network to a mobile earth station
        5.2     Procedures for calls from MES to subscribers of the terrestrial telephone networks
        5.3     Procedures for MES-to-MES calls
        5.4     Instruction for maritime mobile-satellite telephone service
 1     General
        1.1     Definition
        1.2     Provision of service
        1.3     Validity of requests
 2     Operational procedures