
Recommendation ITU-T E.4110 provides the framework for supporting and defining the role of operations for the next generation networks and services. This Recommendation provides guidance in the development of processes and systems supporting operations, including fulfilment, provisioning, configuration and activation of NGN&S. In the NGN&S domain, billing and online charging is moving from the traditional back-office to the front office.

Operations are the backbone of service providers in ensuring that services are provided to meet customer expectations, while supporting the key business objectives of the corporation. Operations organizations take into account, but are not limited to, the entire value chain across an operator from strategy to service introduction, maintenance, management, and administration. Operations require real-time access to all information about the services and networks that are supported or being introduced. Having a real-time information view of all the systems implicitly implies an integrated and automated back end but also a shared information model. A definition of real time is necessary considering that real time can be milliseconds or even hours. This should relate directly to the customers' experience.