1     Introduction
2     Scope
 3     References
 4     Definitions
 5     Abbreviations
 6     ITU-NAG Functions and Responsibilities
        6.1     Administration and Registration of ITU-T Numbering Resources
        6.2     Consultation with relevant Study Groups
        6.3     Information reporting and dissemination
                  6.3.1     Publication of decisions on a regular basis
                  6.3.2     Additional report requests
        6.4     Audits of Resource Administration
        6.5     Ensure availability of resources
        6.6     Performance Measures
        6.7     National Administration Requirements
        6.8     Study Group Meeting Participation
        6.9     Access to Support Staff
       6.10     Respond to Information Requests
       6.11     Applicant Assistance
       6.12     Appeals Procedures
       6.13     Funding Reporting
 7     Records Audits of ITU-NAG and the Resource Assignees
        7.1     Records Audits of ITU-NAG by the appropriate Study Groups
        7.2     Records Audits of the resource assignees by ITU-NAG
 8     Appeal Procedures
Annex A - List of ITU-T Global Numbering Resources