Supplement 1 to ITU-T E-series Recommendations (02/2019)  -Framework of disaster management for disaster relief systems
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Supplement
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Overview of early warning and disaster relief system
     6.1 Direction for new services and systems
     6.2 Landscape of early warning and disaster relief systems
          6.2.1 System categorization
          6.2.2 Landscape of systems and services
          6.2.3 PPDR radiocommunication systems
     6.3 New study areas for disaster relief including early warning
          6.3.1 Early warning system
          6.3.2 Disaster relief system
7 Requirements for new early warning systems
     7.1 Lead time for early warning
     7.2 Early warning system for mobile terminals
     7.3 Early warning system using digital signage
8 Requirements for new disaster relief systems
     8.1 Disaster message board system
     8.2 Disaster voice delivery system
     8.3 Disaster relief guidance system
     8.4 Disaster relief by digital signage system
     8.5 Safety confirmation and message broadcast system
     8.6 Disaster information sharing system
Appendix I  Requirements for disaster relief guidance system
     I.1 Introduction
     I.2 Example procedures
     I.3 Requirements
          I.3.1 Guidance map
          I.3.2 Geographical position of victims
          I.3.3 Specification of evacuation shelter
          I.3.4 Route guidance
          I.3.5 Route guidance to home
          I.3.6 Geographical direction
          I.3.7 Security
          I.3.8 Language
Appendix II  Requirements for disaster information sharing system
     II.1 Introduction
          II.1.1 Background
          II.1.2 Lessons learned from large scale disasters
               II.1.2.1 Guarantee of information delivery
               II.1.2.2 Durability of information delivery
               II.1.2.3 Continuity of information delivery
     II.2 Purpose and function of DISS
          II.2.1 Basic concept and merits of DISS
          II.2.2 Collecting information
          II.2.3 Centralizing information
          II.2.4 Data format unification
          II.2.5 Providing information
          II.2.6 Requirements for DISS