Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Annex 1 – Methods for the determination of the coordination area of an earth station
 1     Introduction
        1.1     Overview
        1.2     Structure of the Recommendation
        1.3     Basic concepts
        1.4     Sharing scenarios
                  1.4.1     Earth stations operating with geostationary space stations
                  1.4.2     Earth stations operating with non-geostationary space stations
                  1.4.3     Earth stations operating with both geostationary and non-geostationary space stations
                  1.4.4     Earth stations operating in bidirectionally allocated frequency bands
                  1.4.5     Broadcasting-satellite service earth stations
                  1.4.6     Mobile (except aeronautical mobile) earth stations
                  1.4.7     Aeronautical mobile earth stations
                  1.4.8     Transportable earth stations
                  1.4.9     Fixed earth stations operated at unspecified locations within a specific service area
        1.5     Propagation model concepts
                  1.5.1     Propagation mode (1)
                  1.5.2     Propagation mode (2)
                  1.5.3     Distance limits
        1.6     The coordination contour: concepts and construction
                  1.6.1     Supplementary contours
                  1.6.2     Auxiliary contours
 2     Determination of the earth station coordination area with respect to terrestrial stations
        2.1     Earth stations operating with geostationary space stations
                  2.1.1     Determination of the coordinating earth station’s propagation mode (1) contour
                  2.1.2     Determination of the coordinating earth station’s propagation mode (2) contour
        2.2     Earth stations operating with non-geostationary space stations
                  2.2.1     Determination of coordination area using the TIG method
                  2.2.2     Determination of supplementary contour using the TVG method
 3     Determination of the coordination area between earth stations operating in bidirectionally allocated frequency bands
        3.1     Coordinating and unknown earth stations operating with geostationary space stations
                  3.1.1     Determination of the coordinating earth station’s propagation mode (1) contour
                  3.1.2     Determination of the coordinating earth station’s propagation mode (2) contour
        3.2     Coordinating or unknown earth stations operating with non-geostationary space stations
                  3.2.1     A coordinating earth station operating with a geostationary space station with respect to unknown earth stations operating with non-geostationary space stations
                  3.2.2     A coordinating earth station operating with a non-geostationary space station with respect to unknown earth stations operating with geostationary space stations
                  3.2.3     Coordinating and unknown earth stations operating with non-geostationary space stations
 4     General considerations for the determination of the propagation mode (1) required distance
        4.1     Radio-climatic information
        4.2     Minimum coordination distance for propagation modes (1) and (2)
        4.3     Maximum coordination distance for propagation mode (1)
        4.4     Guidance on application of propagation mode (1) procedures
 5     General considerations for the determination of the propagation mode (2) required distance
        5.1     The required distance for propagation mode (2)
Attachment 1 to Annex 1 – Determination of the required distance for propagation mode (1)
 1     Adjustments for earth station horizon elevation angle and distance
 2     Frequencies between 100 MHz and 790 MHz
 3     Frequencies between 790 MHz and 60 GHz
 4     Frequencies between 60 GHz and 105 GHz
Attachment 2 to Annex 1 – Determination of the required distance for propagation mode (2)
 1     Overview
 2     Maximum calculation distance
 3     Calculation of the propagation mode (2) contour
        3.1     Iterative calculations
 4     Construction of the propagation mode (2) contour
Attachment  3 to  Annex  1
 1     General
 2     Determination of the angular separation φ(a)
 3     Determination of antenna gain
Attachment 4 to Annex 1 – Antenna gain toward the horizon for an earth station operating with non‑geostationary space stations
 1     Determination of the horizon antenna gain using the TIG method
        1.1     Determination of satellite visibility limits
        1.2     Determination of minimum and maximum horizon gain from the minimum visible elevation angle profile
        1.3     Example calculation of the horizon antenna gain using the TIG method
 2     Determination of the horizon antenna gain distribution for the TVG method
 3     Equations for use in determining the locations of orbiting satellites
Attachment 5 to Annex 1 – Determination of the supplementary contour distance  using the TVG method
 1     Determination of the supplementary contour distance using the TVG method
 2     Example of the calculation of a supplementary contour using the TVG method
Attachment 6 to  Annex  1 – Determination of the coordination area for a transmitting earth station with respect to receiving earth stations operating with geostationary space stations in bidirectionally allocated frequency bands
 1     Introduction
 2     Determination of the bidirectional contour for propagation mode (1)
        2.1     Calculation of horizon gain for unknown receiving earth stations operating with geostationary space stations
        2.2     Example propagation mode (1) contour calculation for both earth stations operating with geostationary space stations
        2.3     Example supplementary contour calculation for a transmitting earth station operating with non‑geostationary space stations and a receiving earth station operating with geostationary space stations using the TVG method
 3     Determination of the bidirectional rain scatter contour
Attachment  7 to  Annex 1 – Determination of auxiliary contours for propagation mode (2)
 1     Determination of auxiliary contours for propagation mode (2)
 2     The step-by-step algorithm
 3     Reference radiation patterns for line-of-sight radio-relay system antennas
Attachment 8 to  Annex  1 – Parameters
Annex 2 – System parameters and predetermined coordination distances for  determination of the coordination area around an earth station
 1     Introduction
 2     Calculation of the permissible interference power of an interfering emission
        2.1     Calculation of the noise temperature of the receiving system
        2.2     Determination of the factor NL
        2.3     Determination of the factor Ms
        2.4     Determination of the factor W
 3     Horizon antenna gain for a receiving earth station with respect to a transmitting earth station