Annex 1 - Radiocommunication Data Dictionary    
        1.0     Introduction           
        1.1     Background           
        1.2     Purpose and Scope           
        1.3     Approach  
        1.4     Organization of Data Descriptions  
                  1.4.1     Data Items
                  1.4.2     Data Groups         
                  1.4.3     Relationships        
        1.5     RDD Structure and Section Summaries      
        2.0     Introduction           
                  2.0.1     Section 2 Table Structure  
                  2.0.2     Table Usage         
                  2.0.3     Terrestrial Filing Process   
                  2.0.4     The TerRaSys Notification System
                  2.0.5     Terrestrial Notice Forms   
                  2.0.6     Electronic notification to TeraSys  
        2.1     Broadcasting Service, FM sound, in the VHF band (Terrestrial Notice Form T01)  
        2.2     Broadcasting Service, Television, in the VHF and UHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T02)    
        2.3     Broadcasting Service, Regions 1 and 3, in the LF and MF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T03)    
        2.4     Broadcasting Service, Region 2, in the MF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T04)    
        2.5     Broadcasting Service, in the HF Bands following the RR Article 12 Procedure        
        2.6     Aeronautical Mobile Service, Base Transmit in the MF, HF, VHF and UHF Bands, Tropical Broadcasting and Broadcasting outside the planned bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T12)     
        2.7     Aeronautical Mobile Service, Base Receive in the MF, HF, VHF and UHF Bands and Meteorological Aids Service in the UHF Band (Terrestrial Notice Form T13)    
        2.8     Aeronautical Radionavigation Service, ILS, MLS and VOR and En-Route Marker Beacons in the VHF, UHF and SHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T12)    
        2.9     Maritime Radionavigation Service, Maritime Radio beacon, Hyperbolic Systems, in the MF Band DGPS and Aeronautical Radionavigation Service, Aeronautical Radio-beacons, in the LF/MF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T12)    
       2.10     Aeronautical Radionavigation Service (DME, SSR) and Maritime Radionavigation Service (Radar Beacons), in the UHF and SHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T13)    
       2.11     Meteorological Aids Service - Aeronautical Radionavigation Service, Radiolocation (Radar) in the VHF, UHF and SHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T12)    
       2.12     Fixed Service, Point to Point and Point to Multi-point in the HF, VHF, UHF, SHF and EHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T11)    
       2.13     Land Mobile Service, Base Receive, in the HF, VHF and UHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T13)    
       2.14     Land Mobile Service, Base Transmit, in the HF, VHF and UHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T12)    
       2.15    Maritime Mobile Service, Coast Station (Transmit), in the VLF, LF, MF, HF and VHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T12)    
       2.16     Maritime Mobile Service, Coast Station (Receive), in the VLF, LF, MF, HF and VHF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T13)    
       2.17     Maritime Mobile Service, Coast Stations RR Appendix 25, in the HF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T15)    
       2.18     Maritime Mobile Service, and Aeronautical Radionavigation Service, GE85-MM-R1 Plan Update (Terrestrial Notice Form T16)    
       2.19     Adaptive Systems in the MF and HF Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T17)
       2.20     Typical Transmitting Stations in the Non-planned Bands (Terrestrial Notice Form T14)    
        3.0     Introduction           
                  3.0.1     Section 3 Structure and Usage      
        3.1     Administration RDD ref: 0010        
                  3.0.2     Notes       
        3.1     Administration RDD ref: 0010     
        3.2     Coordination Agreement RDD ref: 0088 
        3.3     Correspondence AddressRDD ref: 0093 
        3.4     Operator RDD ref: 0218   
        3.5     Terrestrial Service Notice RDD ref: 0200
        3.6     Provision  RDD ref: 0605 
        3.7     SiteRDD ref: 0265           
        3.8     Antenna  RDD ref: 0035   
        3.9     Receiving Antenna RDD ref: 0114           
       3.10     Transmitting Antenna RDD ref: 0119     
       3.11     Directional Transmitting Antenna RDD ref: 0107          
       3.12     Type A Transmitting Antenna RDD ref: 0380     
       3.13     Type B Transmitting Antenna RDD ref: 0381     
       3.14     Tower  RDD ref: 0389     
       3.15     Sectionalized Tower RDD ref: 0375        
       3.16     Top Loaded Tower RDD ref: 0386          
       3.17     Antenna Radiation Pattern Augmentation RDD ref: 0354         
       3.18     Antenna Reference Pattern RDD ref: 0638         
       3.19     Operational Sector RDD ref: 0630          
       3.20     Day Of Operation RDD ref: 0498
       3.21     Season Of OperationRDD ref: 0246       
       3.22     Regular Operation Period RDD ref: 0306           
       3.23     Traffic Characteristic RDD ref: 0464     
       3.24     Colour System RDD ref: 0077     
       3.25     Class Of Station RDD ref: 0276  
       3.26     Protection Mask RDD ref: 0226  
       3.27     Radiocommunication Service RDD ref: 0241      
       3.28     Signal Configuration RDD ref: 0140       
       3.29     Television System RDD ref: 0281
       3.30     Three Dimensional Zone RDD ref: 0001 
       3.31     Aeronautical Zone RDD ref: 0032           
       3.32     Ciraf Zone RDD ref: 0366        
       3.33     Circular Zone RDD ref: 0069      
       3.34     Geographical Area RDD ref: 0173          
       3.35     Maritime Zone RDD ref: 0185     
       3.36     Segment Zone RDD ref: 0451      
       3.37     Zone Boundary Coordinate RDD ref: 0328         
       3.38     Maritime HF Allotment Area RDD ref: 0576      
        4.1     Advance Publication of Geostationary Space Stations         
        4.2     Advance Publication of Non-Geostationary Space Stations (Under Sub-Section IB to RR Article 9)    
        4.3     Advance Publication of Non-Geostationary Space Stations (Under Sub-Section IA to RR Article 9)    
        4.4     Notification/Coordination of Geostationary Space Stations 
        4.5     Notification/Coordination of Non-Geostationary Space Stations (Subject to Section II RR Article 9)    
        4.6     Notification/Coordination of Non-Geostationary Space Stations (Not Subject to Section II RR Article 9)    
        4.7     Notification/Coordination of an Earth Station Including Notification under RR Appendices 30A and 30B    
        4.8     Notification/Coordination and Plan Modification of Space Stations in the BSS Under RR Appendix 30    
        4.9     Notification/Coordination and Plan Modification of Feeder Links in the BSS Under RR Appendix 30A    
       4.10     Notification/Coordination and Plan Modification of Space Stations in the FSS Under RR Appendix 30B    
       4.11     Notification of Radio Astronomy Earth Stations     
        5.0     Introduction           
                  5.0.1     Section 5 Structure and Usage      
        5.1     Administration RDD ref: S001     
                  5.0.2     Notes       
        5.1     Administration RDD ref: S001     
        5.2     Correspondence Address RDD ref: S016 
        5.3     Operator  RDD ref: S024 
        5.4     Intergovernmental Satellite Organization RDD ref: S031           
        5.5     Geographical Area RDD ref: S036          
        5.6     Radiocommunication Service RDD ref: S044      
        5.7     Class Of Station RDD ref: S048   
        5.8     Class Of Station Nature Of Service Pair RDD ref: S580 
        5.9     Nature Of Service RDD ref: S614
       5.10     Space Station RDD ref: S055      
       5.11     Geostationary Orbital Position RDD ref: S071  
       5.12     Non-geostationary Orbit RDD ref: S093 
       5.13     Non-geostationary Satellite Position RDD ref: S104      
       5.14     Exclusive Operational Group RDD ref: S729     
       5.15     Latitude Range Category RDD ref: S818
       5.16     PFD Mask RDD ref: S820           
       5.17     Earth To Space EIRP Mask RDD ref: S824        
       5.18     Space To Earth EIRP Mask RDD ref: S831        
       5.19     Beam RDD ref: S107       
       5.20     Elliptical Beam RDD ref: S314    
       5.21     Site RDD ref: S376          
       5.22     Earth Station Antenna RDD ref: S151    
       5.23     Associated Earth Station Antenna RDD ref: S493          
       5.24     Coordination Contour RDD ref: S756    
       5.25     Assignment Coordination Group (ACG) RDD ref: S174
       5.26     Transmitting Earth Station ACG RDD ref: S215           
       5.27     Receiving Earth Station ACG RDD ref: S218     
       5.28     Receiving Space Station ACG RDD ref: S456    
       5.29     Transmitting Space Station ACG RDD ref: S463           
       5.30     Transmitting Space Station Space To Space ACG RDD ref: S472         
       5.31     Receiving Space Station Space To Space ACG RDD ref: S476  
       5.32     Emission Characteristic Set RDD ref: S733        
       5.33     Frequency Range RDD ref: S244
       5.34     Beam Frequency RDD ref: S251 
       5.35     Coordination Agreement RDD ref: S271
       5.36     ACG Frequency RDD ref: S531  
       5.37     Associated Space Station PositionRDD ref: S533          
       5.38     Beam Frequency Strap RDD ref: S632   
       5.39     Strap Characteristic Set RDD ref: S282 
       5.40     ACG Frequency Strap RDD ref: S532    
       5.41     Space Service Notice RDD ref: S290      
       5.42     Notice Attachment RDD ref: S305          
       5.43     Intended Action RDD ref: S357   
       5.44     ACG Intended Action RDD ref: S536     
       5.45     Provision RDD ref: S615 
        6.0     Introduction           
        6.1     Character  
        6.2     Date
        6.3     Decimal  
        6.4     Diagram 
        6.5     Equation 
        6.6     Frequency 
        6.7     Longitude/Latitude 
                  6.7.1     Meridian   
                  6.7.2     Longitude 
                  6.7.3     Latitude    
                  6.7.4     Long/Lat in degrees          
                  6.7.5     Long/Lat in degrees and minutes   
                  6.7.6     Long/Lat in degrees, minutes and seconds 
        6.8     Integer    
        6.9     Text 
       6.10     Time      
       6.11     True or False        
        7.0     Introduction           
        8.0     Introduction           
        8.1     Table of characteristics to be submitted for stations in the terrestrial services
        8.2     Table of characteristics to be submitted for space and radio astronomy services      
        9.1     Appendix 1:  Codes Designating Notifying Administrations 
        9.2     Appendix 2:  List Of Intergovernmental Satellite Organizations        
        9.3     Appendix 3:  Codes Designating Geographical Areas         
        9.4     Appendix 4:  Radiocommunication Services           
                  9.4.1     Table of radiocommunication terrestrial services    
                  9.4.2     Table of radiocommunication space services          
        9.5     Appendix 5:  Table Of Classes Of Station  
                  9.5.1     Classes of station for the terrestrial services           
                  9.5.2     Classes of station for the space services    
        9.6     Appendix 6:  Antenna Patterns       
                  9.6.1     Space Stations Antenna Patterns   
                  9.6.2     Earth stations antenna patterns      
        9.7     Appendix 7:  Standard Abbreviations For Site Names Compression           
        9.8     Appendix 8:  Standard Defined Areas        
                  9.8.1     Zones defined by a geographical area        
                  9.8.2     Standard maritime zones   
                  9.8.3     Allotment areas as defined in RR Appendix 25      
                  9.8.4     Aeronautical zones defined in RR Appendix 26     
                  9.8.5     Aeronautical zones defined in RR Appendix 27     
                  9.8.6     Broadcasting zones defined in RR Appendix 1       
        9.9     Appendix 9:  TV Systems  
       9.10     Appendix 10:  Symbols Used For Coordination And Agreement   
                  9.10.1     Symbols used for coordination and agreement of terrestrial notices           
                  9.10.2     Symbols used for coordination and agreement of space notices    
       9.11     Appendix 11:  BR Favourable Or Unfavourable Findings   
                  9.11.1     BR favourable or unfavourable findings regarding terrestrial notices          
                  9.11.2     BR favourable or unfavourable findings regarding space notices   
       9.12     Appendix 12:  BR Finding References, Remarks And Dates          
                  9.12.1     BR Finding References, Remarks And Dates Regarding Terrestrial Notices         
                  9.12.2     BR Finding References, Remarks And Dates Regarding Space Notices   
       9.13    Appendix 13:  Nature Of Service Codes   
                  9.13.1     Table of Nature Of Service Codes for Terrestrial Services           
                  9.13.2     Table of Nature Of Service Codes for Space Services    
       9.14     Appendix 14:  Power Measurement Method Code For Each Class Of Emission    
       10.0     Introduction          
       10.1     Terrestrial data elements in RDD reference number sequence         
       10.2     Terrestrial data groups and data items in alphabetical sequence      
       10.3     Space data elements in RDD reference number sequence  
       10.4     Space data groups and data items in alphabetical sequence
       10.5     RDD numbers deleted in revisions to ITU-R  SM.1413