Annex 1  Sharing analysis between the MetSat service and the MSS in the frequency bands 1 670-1 675 MHz and 1 683-1 690 MHz
 1     Introduction
 2     System characteristics assumed for the analyses
 3     Analysis methodology
        3.1     MES density
        3.2     MetSat station horizon antenna gain
        3.3     Analysis areas
        3.4     Interference calculation
 4     Summary of results
        4.1     Summary on separation distances
        4.2     Summary on coordination distances
 5     Conclusions
Annex 2
Annex 3  Sharing techniques for MSS and MetSat earth stations in the 1 675-1 690 MHz frequency band
 1     Frequency assignment by location
        1.1     Method of assuring adequate frequency-distance separation (for the fixed exclusion zone case)
 2     Beacon-actuated protection zones
        2.1     A flexible method of assuring adequate frequency-distance separation
 3     Interference avoidance by frequency selection
        3.1     Method to avoid interference to MetSat earth station types with many installations
 4     Using frequencies in an MSS beam coverage area only when the MetSat earth stations are not using them
        4.1     Time sharing of frequencies
Annex 4  Sharing considerations for the sub-band 1 698-1 710 MHz based on the time separation concept
 1     Introduction
 2     Meteorological satellite system characteristics
 3     Mobile-satellite system characteristics
 4     Simulation and technical analysis
 5     Summary